

词汇 command
🔑commandcom·mand1 /kəˈmænd /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to tell someone to do something in a strong way下命令;指示The men did as their officer had commanded.士兵们按照军官的命令行动。 SYN order
  1. [transitive] to control or be in charge of someone or something控制;指挥to command a ship / an army指挥一艘船/一支部队
  1. [transitive] to deserve and get something值得;赢得;博得The conductor commanded great respect.那位指挥家备受尊敬。

🔑commandcom·mand2 /kəˈmænd /


  1. [countable] an order命令;指示The captain's commands must be obeyed without question.船长的命令必须毫无疑问地服从。
  1. [countable] (computing计算机) an instruction that is given to a computer(计算机)指令
  1. [uncountable] control over someone or something控制;指挥Who is in command of the expedition?探险由谁指挥?General Weston has numerous advisers under his command.韦斯顿将军手下有很多谋士。to take command of a situation控制局面
  1. [countable] a division of an army, a navy, etc. that has a specific function(陆军、海军等的)兵团,军区
  1. [singular] the state of being able to do or use something掌握;运用She has a good command of French.她精通法语。
at your commandavailable for you to use可自由使用;可支配We'll need all the resources at our command in order to solve this problem.解决这个问题我们需要运用一切可掌控的资源。




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