

词汇 big
🔑bigbig /bɪɡ /


(big·ger, big·gest)
  1. large; not small大的;巨大的a big house / town / salary大房子;大的城镇;高薪This dress is too big for me.这条连衣裙我穿太大了。a big eater / spender (= someone who eats / spends a lot) 食量大的人;开销大的人
  1. great or important重要的;重大的They had a big fight yesterday.他们昨天大吵了一架。That was the biggest decision I've ever had to make.那是我迄今为止不得不作出的最重要的决定。some of the big names in Hollywood好莱坞的一些大腕儿
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) (informal) older年龄较大的my big sister / brother我的姐姐/哥哥
  1. (informal) popular with the public大受欢迎的;时兴的Video games are big again this year.电子游戏今年又流行起来了。
  1. (informal) enthusiastic about someone or something热衷的I'm a big fan of his.我特别迷他。She's never been really big on sports.她对体育从来就不太热衷。
Big deal! (informal) used to say that you think something is not important or interesting没什么了不起;不算什么“Look at my new bike! “Big deal! It's not as nice as mine.“瞧我的新自行车!”“那算啥!没我的好。”a big deal / no big deal (informal) something that is / is not very important or exciting大事;不算什么The Fourth of July parade is a very big deal in our town.7 月 4 日的庆祝游行是我们镇的一件盛事。Don't worry about it it's no big deal.别担心,没什么大不了的。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Big, large, or great? * big、large 还是 great?Big and large can both be used when talking about size or number, although large is more formal and is not usually used for describing people. * big 和 large 都可用于表示大小或数字,但 large 更正式,通常不用以描述人a big / large house大房子a big boy大男孩Great is mostly used when talking about the importance, quality, etc. of a person or thing. * great 大多用于表示人或事物的重要性、品质等a great occasion重要场合a great musician伟大的音乐家It can also be used with uncountable nouns to mean “a lot of.” * great 也可与不可数名词连用,表示“大量”great happiness / care极大的幸福/关心




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