

词汇 between
🔑betweenbe·tween1 /bɪˈtwin /




  1. in the space that separates two things, people, etc.在…中间;在中间I was sitting between Anne and Derek.我当时坐在安妮和德里克之间。a town between Los Angeles and San Diego位于洛杉矶和圣迭戈之间的一座小镇
  1. from one place to another and back again往返于(两地)之间There aren't any direct flights between here and Calgary.这里到卡尔加里没有直达航班。the trip between home and the office家里到办公室的路程
  1. involving or connecting two people, groups, or things在(两者)之间There's some sort of disagreement between them.他们俩意见有点分歧。There may be a connection between the two crimes.这两起罪案之间可能有联系。
  1. (used about two amounts, distances, ages, times, etc.) at a point that is greater or later than the first and smaller or earlier than the second; somewhere in the middle(数量、距离、年龄、时间等)在(两者)中间,介于(两者)之间They said they would arrive between 4 and 5 o'clock.他们说会在四点到五点之间到达。a cost of between $200 and $300200 至 300 美元的费用
  1. choosing one and not the other (of two things)在(两者)之间选择to choose between two jobs在两份工作之间做取舍What's the difference between “some” and “any”?some 和 any 有什么区别?
  1. by putting together the actions, efforts, etc. of two or more people(两个或更多的人)共同行动,一起努力Between us we saved up enough money to buy a car.我们一起攒够了钱买了辆车。
  1. giving each person a share给每人一份;分享The money was divided equally between the two children.那笔钱由这两个孩子平分了。We ate all the candy between us.我们分吃了所有的糖果。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Between or among? * between 还是 among?Between is usually used to talk about two people or things. * between 通常用于指两个人或两件事物She was sitting between her mom and dad.她当时正坐在爸妈中间。between the ages of 12 and 14 * 12 岁至 14 岁之间Among is used for more than two people or things, especially when they are considered as a group rather than as individuals. * among 用于指超过两个的人或事物,尤其是当所指的人或事物被视为一个群体而非个体时You're among friends here.这儿都是你的朋友。

🔑betweenbe·tween2 /bɪˈtwin / ( ˌin beˈtween)


in the space or period of time that separates two things, points, people, times, events, etc.(空间或时间上)介于两者之间I have a meeting at 10:00 and one at 11:00, but I could see you in between.我 10 点有个会,11 点也有个会,但这两个会议之间我可以见你。




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