

词汇 best
🔑bestbest1 /bɛst /


(the superlative of good * good 的最高级) of the highest quality or level; most suitable最佳的;最好的;最合适的Who's your best friend?你最好的朋友是谁?His latest book is by far his best.他最新出版的书是他迄今为止最好的作品。 It's best to call early.最好早点打电话。Who in the class is the best at math?班上谁数学最好?What's the best way to get to the airport from here?从这里去机场的最佳路线是什么?your best bet (informal) the best thing for you to do in a particular situation(某种情况下)最好的办法,最适当的做法There's nowhere to park downtown. Your best bet is to take the bus.市中心没地方停车,你最好乘公共汽车。the best / better part of sthmost of something; more than half of something, often a period of time大部分;(常指时间的)多半They've lived here for the better part of forty years.过去四十年的大部分时间他们都住在这里。

🔑bestbest2 /bɛst /


(the superlative of well * well 的最高级) to the greatest degree; most最高程度地;最She works best in the morning.她上午的工作效率最高。Which of these dresses do you like best?这些连衣裙中你最喜欢哪一条?one of America's best-loved TV stars美国最受欢迎的电视明星之一the best you canas well as you can, even if it is not perfectly尽可能;尽量If you missed the lecture, just do the best you can on the test.如果讲课你没听,那你就在考试时尽最大努力吧。

🔑bestbest3 /bɛst /


the person or thing that is of the highest quality or level, or better than all others最出色的人(或事物)When you pay that much for a meal, you expect the best.花那么多钱吃一顿饭,当然期望一切都是最好的。Even the best of us make mistakes sometimes.再优秀的人有时也出错。I think Daniel is the best!我认为丹尼尔最棒!They are the best of friends.他们是至交。The best we can hope for is that the situation doesn't get any worse.我们能指望的顶多是形势不再恶化。all the best (informal) used when you are saying goodbye to someone and wishing him / her success(告别用语)祝一切顺利Harry, all the best! Keep in touch, OK?哈里,祝一切顺利!保持联系,好吗?at bestif everything goes as well as possible; taking the most positive view从最乐观的角度看;充其量;顶多At best, it'll be ready by the end of March.最早也得三月底才能准备妥当。at its / your bestin its / your best state or condition处于最佳状态This is an example of Beckett's work at its best.这是贝克特创作巅峰时期的一个作品。I'm not at my best first thing in the morning.我一大早的状态不是最好。be for the bestused to say that although something appears bad or unpleasant now, it will be good in the end结果总会好的He refused to loan me the money, but it was probably for the best.他拒绝借我钱,但这也许反倒是件好事。bring out the best / worst in sbto show someone's best / worst qualities展现某人最好的(或最坏的)品质The crisis really brought out the best in Tony.这场危机真正显示出了托尼最出色的一面。do / try your bestto do all or the most that you can尽最大努力;尽全力It doesn't matter whether you win or not. Just do your best.胜负无所谓,只要全力以赴即可。look your bestto look as beautiful or attractive as possible尽可能显得漂亮(或有魅力)I want to look my best for the interview.我希望自己能以最佳面貌参加面试。make the best of sthto accept a difficult situation and try to be as happy as possible(面对困境)尽量往好处努力;尽力而为




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