

词汇 alone
🔑alonea·lone /əˈloʊn /




  1. without any other person独自;单独The old man lives alone.那老头儿独自生活。Are you alone? Can I talk to you for a minute?就你一个人?我能和你说会儿话吗?I don't like walking home alone after dark.我不喜欢天黑后一个人走回家。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Alone, lonely, and lonesome all mean that you are not with other people. Lonely and lonesome mean that you are unhappy about this, but alone does not usually suggest either happiness or unhappiness. * alone、lonely 和 lonesome 都表示独自一人。lonely 和 lonesome 指因为独处而感到不快乐,但 alone 一般不涉及快乐或不快乐之意。You can also use on your own and by yourself to mean “alone.” These expressions are more informal and very common in spoken English.也可用 on your own 或 by yourself 表示独自一人。这些短语不太正式,常用于英语口语。
  1. (after a noun or pronoun用于名词或代词后) only仅仅;只有You alone can help us.只有你能帮助我们。The food alone cost $40. The drinks were extra.光吃的就要 40 美元,饮料另算。
leave sb / sth aloneto not touch, bother, or speak to someone or something不碰;不打扰;不与…说话She's very upset. Leave her alone for a few minutes.她很心烦,让她单独待会儿。let aloneand certainly not更不用说We haven't decided where we're going yet, let alone made any reservations.我们现在还没决定去哪里呢,更别说预订了。




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