

词汇 allow
🔑allowal·low /əˈlaʊ /


let someone or something do something允许
  1. allow sb / sth to do sth | allow sth to give permission for someone or something to do something, or for something to happen允许;准许Children are not allowed to buy cigarettes.儿童不准购买香烟。Photography is not allowed inside the museum.博物馆内禁止拍照。
  1. to give permission for someone or something to be or go somewhere允许(在或去某地)I'm only allowed to go out on Friday and Saturday nights.我只获准在星期五和星期六的晚上才外出。
  1. allow sb sth to let someone have something让(某人)得到;给予We're only allowed half an hour for our lunch break.我们只有半小时的午餐时间。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Allow, let, or permit? * allow、let 还是 permit?Allow can be used in both formal and informal English. The passive form be allowed to is especially common. * allow 在正式和非正式英语中均可使用。被动形式 be allowed to 尤其常见。Permit is a formal word and is usually used only in written English. * permit 是正式用语,通常只用于书面英语。Let is an informal word, and very common in spoken English. * let 是非正式用语,英语口语中十分常见。You allow someone to do something but let someone do something (without “to”).可说 allow someone to do something,但要说 let someone do something (不用 to)Please, let me speak.请让我说句话。Let cannot be used in the passive, but allow and permit are often used in this way. * let 不能用于被动语态,而 allow 和 permit 则常用于被动语态Visitors are not allowed / permitted to smoke in this area.来访者不得在这一区域吸烟。Smoking is not allowed / permitted.禁止吸烟。I'm not allowed to stay out after 11 p.m.我不可以晚上 11 点后待在外面。My dad won't let me stay out after 11 p.m.爸爸不让我晚上 11 点后待在外面。
make possible使可能
  1. allow sb / sth to do sth to make it possible for someone or something to do something使…能做(某事)Working part-time would allow me to spend more time with my family.兼职工作使我有更多时间和家人在一起。
time / money / food, etc.时间;金钱;食物
  1. allow sth (for sb / sth) to provide money, time, etc. for someone or something给予,给出(金钱、时间等)You should allow about 30 minutes for each question on the test.你应该给每道试题留出 30 分钟左右的时间作答。
allow for sb / sthto think about possible problems when you are planning something and include extra time, money, etc. for them将…考虑在内;考虑到;顾及The trip should take about two hours, allowing for heavy traffic.考虑到交通堵塞,这次出行大约要用两个小时。




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