

词汇 all
🔑allall1 /ɔl /




  1. the whole of a thing全部;所有All (of) the food is gone.食物全光了。They ate all of it.他们把它全吃了。They ate it all.他们把它全吃了。This money is all yours.这钱全是你的。All of it is yours.这都是你的。
  1. the whole of the period of time(一段时间)全部,整个It rained all day.雨下了整整一天。He worked hard all his life.他一生勤劳。
  1. every one of a group全体;每个All (of) my kids can swim.我的孩子都会游泳。My kids can all swim.我的孩子都会游泳。She's read all (of) these books.这些书她全都读过。She's read them all.那些她全都读过。
  1. everything that; the only thing that全部;唯一;仅仅I wrote down all I could remember.我把能记住的都写了下来。All I've eaten today is a banana.我今天只吃了一根香蕉。
above allmost importantly最重要的是Above all, stay calm!至关重要的是,保持镇静!after all
  1. used when something is different in reality from what you expected or thought终究;到底So you decided to come after all! (= I thought you weren't going to come.) 这么说,你终究决定要来了!
  1. used for reminding someone of a particular fact(提醒注意)别忘了,毕竟She can't understand. After all, she's only two.她不理解,毕竟她才两岁。
in allin total总共;共计There were ten of us in all.我们总共十个人。(not) at allin any way一点也(不);完全(不)I didn't enjoy it at all.我一点也不喜欢。

🔑allall2 /ɔl /


  1. completely; very完全;非常He has lived all alone since his wife died.妻子去世后,他一直一个人生活。I didn't watch that program I forgot all about it.我没看那个节目,我把这事忘得一干二净了。
  1. (sport体育) for each side or team各方;每队The score was two all.比分是二平。
all alongfrom the beginning从一开始;一直;始终I knew you were joking all along.我知道你从一开始就在开玩笑。all but
  1. almost; very nearly几乎;差不多With this delay, it'll be all but impossible to meet our deadline.这一耽搁,我们要如期完成几乎是不可能的了。
  1. everyone or everything except someone or something除…外全部All but $500 of the stolen money has been found.除了 500 美元,被盗的钱都已找到了。
all overall over the placeeverywhere到处;处处We looked all over for Monica's watch.我们四处寻找莫妮卡的手表。all the better, harder, etc.better, harder, etc. than before更好(或更难等)It will be all the more difficult with two people missing.少了两个人,这就更困难了。not all that (informal) not very不太;不那么The movie wasn't all that good.这部影片并不那么好看。




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