

词汇 flunk
flunkflunk /flʌŋk /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to fail a test or a course(考试或课程)失败,不及格If you don't study, you're going to flunk your history exam.如果你不学习,你的历史考试会不及格的。Carl flunked math and now he has to go to summer school.卡尔数学不及格,现在不得不参加暑期班。I thought I was going to flunk, but I got a B!我以为我会不及格,结果我得了 B !
  1. [transitive] to give someone a failing grade on a test, in a course, etc.给(某人)评不及格Prof. Hall claims that he never flunks a student.霍尔教授声称他从来不给学生评不及格。
flunk out (of sth) (informal) to be forced to leave a school, college, etc. because your grades are not good enough(因成绩差而被迫)退学to flunk out of school因成绩差而退学




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