

词汇 employment
🔑employmentem·ploy·ment /ɛmˈplɔɪmənt /


  1. (business商业) work that you do to earn money; the state of having a paid job工作;职业;受雇She is looking for employment.她正在找工作。It is difficult to find employment in rural areas.在乡下找工作很难。  look at unemployment➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析workemployment ◇ career ◇ profession ◇ occupation ◇ tradeThese are all words for the work that someone does in return for payment, especially over a long period of time.以上词均表示有报酬的工作,尤指长期从事的职业。workthe job that someone does, especially in order to earn money工作;职业It's very difficult to find work at the moment.目前很难找到工作。He's been out of work for months.他已经失业几个月了。employment(somewhat formal) work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed or the situation in which people have work工作;职业;受雇;就业It can be hard for young people to find employment.年轻人找工作往往很难。The company has employment opportunities right now.这家公司目前有就业机会。careerthe job or series of jobs that someone has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes职业;事业;职业生涯He is considering a career in teaching.他正在考虑从事教育职业。She had a very distinguished career in medicine.她在医疗界有过一段辉煌的事业。professiona type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education(需要专门技能,尤其是较高教育水平的)职业,专业She's a doctor by profession.她的职业是医生。He hopes to enter the medical profession.他希望从事医务工作。the legal profession法律界occupation(somewhat formal) a job or profession工作;职业Please state your name, age, and occupation.请写明姓名、年龄和职业。tradea job, especially one that involves working with your hands and requires special training and skills职业,行当,手艺(尤指需要专门培训和技能的手工职业)Dave is a plumber by trade.戴夫的职业是水暖工。Carpentry is a highly skilled trade.木工是一门需要纯熟技巧的手艺。to learn a trade学一门手艺PATTERNS 句型(a) full-time / part-time work / employment / career / occupationpermanent / temporary work / employment(a) well-paid work / employment / profession / occupation(a) low-paid work / employment / occupationto look for / seek / find / have work / employment / a career / an occupationto get / obtain / give sb / offer sb / create / generate / provide work / employment
  1. (formal) the use of something使用;动用the employment of force动用武力




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