

词汇 care
🔑carecare1 /kɛr /


[intransitive, transitive] care (about sth)
to be worried about or interested in something操心;关心;在乎I'm going to be late, but I don't care.我要迟到了,可我不在乎。Money is the thing that she cares about most.她最在乎的是钱。I don't care what you do.我才不在乎你做什么呢。I, etc. couldn't care less (informal) it does not matter to me, etc. at all(我)才不在乎呢;根本不在乎“Your jacket isn't very clean. “Well, to tell you the truth, I couldn't care less.“你的夹克不是很干净。”“嘿,说实话,我才不在乎呢。”who cares? (informal) no one is interested; it is not important to anyone谁在乎;管它呢“I wonder who'll win the game. “Who cares?“我在想这场比赛谁会赢。”“管它呢!”would you care for sth?would you care to do sth? (formal) used as a polite way of asking someone if he / she would like something or would like to do something(礼貌用语)您想要,您愿意,您喜欢Would you care for a drink?您要不要来杯饮料?Would you care to leave a message, sir?先生,您愿意留个口信吗? care for sbto help someone who is sick or old and do things for him / her照顾,照料(病人或老人)Who cared for her while she was sick?她生病时是谁在照顾她?care for sb / sthto like or love someone or something喜欢;爱I don't care for that color very much.我不是很喜欢那种颜色。Do you think she still cares for him?你认为她还爱他吗?

🔑carecare2 /kɛr /


  1. [uncountable] care (in doing sth) thinking about what you are doing so that you do it well or do not have an accident小心;细心;谨慎This box contains glasses please handle it with care.这个盒子里装有玻璃杯,请小心轻放。You should take more care with your homework.你做家庭作业时应该再细心点。
  1. [uncountable] taking care of people so that they have things they need; responsibility for someone or something照顾;照管;负责The children were put into foster care.这些孩子都被收养了。medical care医疗She's in intensive care (= the part of the hospital for people who are very seriously sick or injured).她在重症监护室。
  1. [uncountable] keeping something in good condition保养;护理information on the care and maintenance of antique furniture古董家具的保养和护理知识health care保健skin care products护肤品
  1. [countable, uncountable] (formal) a feeling of worry or anxiety担心;忧虑When we were young, we didn't have a care in the world.我们年轻时什么事都不操心。It was a happy life, free from care.那是很幸福的生活,无忧无虑。
(in) care of sbc/owords used on an envelope when you are writing to someone at another person's address由某人转交(以别人的地址给人寄信时用)Mary Jenkins, c/o Mrs. Brown, 10 Riverside Drive, Seattle, Washington华盛顿西雅图沿河大道 10 号,布朗夫人转玛丽 · 詹金斯收You can write to the author in care of his publisher.你可以写信给作者,由出版社转交。take care (to do sth)to be careful小心;当心Goodbye and take care!再见,多保重!Take care not to spill your coffee.小心别把咖啡洒了。take care of yourself / sb / sthto keep yourself, someone, or something safe from injury, illness, damage, etc.照顾;照料;保管You look tired. You should take better care of yourself.你看上去很疲倦,你要好好照顾自己。Could you take care of the cat while we are away on vacation?我们去度假时你帮忙照看一下这只猫好吗?take care of sb / sthto deal with someone or something; to organize or arrange something处理;负责;组织;安排I'll take care of the food for the party.我来负责聚会的食物。




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