

词汇 can
🔑cancan1 /kən ; strong form强读式 kæn /

modal verb

(negative can·not /ˈkænɑt ; kəˈnɑt / , short form can't /kænt / , past tense could /kəd ; strong form强读式 kʊd / , negative could not, short form could·n't /ˈkʊdnt /)
  1. used for showing that it is possible for someone or something to do something, or that someone or something has the ability to do something(表示可能或有能力)能,会I can catch a bus from here.我可以在这里坐公共汽车。Can you ride a bike?你会骑自行车吗?He can't speak Spanish.他不会说西班牙语。She couldn't answer the question.她不会答那个问题。
➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明Can has no infinitive or participle forms. To make the future and perfect tenses, we use be able to. * can 没有不定式或分词形式,表示将来时和完成时用 be able toOne day people will be able to travel to Mars.总有一天人类能够到达火星。He's been able to swim for almost a year.他会游泳已经快一年了。Could have is used when we say that someone had the ability to do something but did not do it. * could have 表示当时有能力做某事却没有做She could have passed the test, but she didn't try.她本来能够通过考试的,但是她没有努力。
  1. used to ask for or give permission(表示请求或给予许可)可以Can I have a drink, please?请给我来杯饮料好吗?He asked if he could have a drink.他问能不能给他一杯饮料。No, you can't go swimming today.不行,你今天不准去游泳。  look at may (2)
  1. used to ask someone to do something(用于提出请求)Can you help me carry these books?你帮我搬这些书好吗?
  1. used for offering to do something(表示主动提议帮忙)可以,能Can I help you find anything?我能帮你找点儿什么吗?
  1. used to talk about someone's typical behavior or a typical effect(表示常有的行为或后果)有时会,往往会You can be really annoying sometimes.你有时特烦人。Bee stings can be very painful.被蜜蜂蜇了会很痛。
  1. used in the negative for saying that you are sure something is not true(用于否定句,表示某事不属实)That can't be the last slice of bread I just bought a loaf this morning.那不可能是最后一片面包,我今天早上才刚买了一条。You can't possibly be hungry. You just had lunch.你不可能是饿了,你刚吃过午饭。
  1. used with the verbs “feel, “hear, “see, “smell, and “taste”(与动词 feel、hear、see、smell 和 taste 连用)I can smell something burning.我闻到一股烧焦的味道。Can you hear me?你听得到我说话吗?

🔑cancan2 /kæn /


  1. a metal container in which food or drink is kept without air so that it stays fresh(盛放食品或饮料的)金属罐a can of soup一罐汤a can of beer一罐啤酒an empty soda can空的汽水罐
  1. a metal or plastic container that is used for holding or carrying liquid(装液体的金属或塑料)容器,罐,壶an oil can油罐a can of oil一罐油a watering can洒水壶
a can of worms (informal) if you open up a can of worms, you start doing something that will cause a lot of problems and be very difficult棘手的问题;麻烦事

cancan3 /kæn /


[transitive] (can·ning, canned)
  1. to put food, drink, etc. into a can or other sealed container in order to keep it fresh for a long time将(食品、饮料等)装罐保存
  1. (informal) to dismiss someone from their job解雇;开除;炒(某人)鱿鱼Joe got canned from his job for stealing from the company.乔因为在公司偷窃被炒鱿鱼了。 SYN fire
canned /kænd /


canned fruit / goods罐装水果/商品




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