

词汇 deliver
🔑deliverde·liv·er /dɪˈlɪvər /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to take something (goods, mail, etc.) to the place requested or to the address on it投递,递送,交付(货物、邮件等)Your order will be delivered within five days.您订的货会在五日内付运。
  1. [transitive] to help a mother to give birth to her baby助产;接生The doctor who delivered the baby said she was lucky to be alive.接生的医生说女婴能活下来很幸运。
  1. [transitive] to give a speech, talk, etc. or other official statement发表;宣布;发布to deliver a speech / lecture / warning发表讲话;开讲座;发出警告
  1. [intransitive] deliver (on sth) (informal) to do or give something that you have promised履行诺言;说到做到He's made a lot of promises, but can he deliver?他许下了很多承诺,可他能兑现吗?




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