

词汇 defense
🔑defensede·fense1 (CanE de·fence) /dɪˈfɛns /


protection against attack防御
  1. [uncountable] defense (against sth) action to protect someone or something from attack防御;保护;保卫Would you fight in defense of your country?你愿意为保卫祖国而战斗吗?
  1. [countable] a defense (against sth) something that protects someone or something, or that is used for fighting against attack防御物;防护设施;抵抗机制to build up a country's defenses加强国防建设the body's defenses against disease身体对疾病的防御机制
  1. [uncountable] the military equipment, forces, etc. for protecting a country国防体系the Defense Department国防部Defense spending can be cut if fewer weapons are needed.如果武器需求量减少,就可以削减国防开支。
  1. [countable, uncountable] something that you do or say to protect someone or something from attack, bad treatment, criticism, etc.保护;保卫;辩护;辩解He made a strong defense of the President's policy.他为总统的政策进行了有力的辩护。I must say in her defense that I have always found her very reliable.我得为她说句话,我始终认为她很值得信赖。
  1. [countable](in law) an argument in support of the accused person in a court of law(法律)辩护,辩词His defense was that he was only carrying out orders.他辩护说他只是奉命行事。
  1. the defense [singular](in law) the lawyer or lawyers who are acting for the accused person in a court of law(法律)辩护律师The defense claims that many of the witnesses were lying.辩方律师称很多目击证人都在撒谎。a defense attorney辩护律师  look at prosecution

defensede·fense2 /ˈdifɛns ; dɪˈfɛns /


[countable, uncountable, usually singular]
(sport体育) the players who try to prevent the other team from scoring points; the action of these players防守队员;后卫;防守The Vikings' defense was unable to stop Jackson's spectacular touchdown pass.维京队的防守无法阻断杰克逊传出绝妙的达阵球。  look at offense2




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