

词汇 benefit
🔑benefitben·e·fit AW 1 /ˈbɛnəfɪt /


  1. [countable, uncountable] an advantage or useful effect that something has好处;益处;利益I can't see the benefit of doing things this way.我看不出这样做有什么好处。A change in the law would be to everyone's benefit.修改法律会让所有人都受益。the benefits of modern technology现代技术的裨益
  1. [countable, uncountable] (politics政治) money that the government gives to people who are sick for a long time, injured at work, unemployed, etc.(政府发放的)补助金,救济金unemployment benefits失业救济金
  1. [countable] ( fringe benefit) (business商业) an extra payment or service that is given to an employee in addition to his / her salary奖金;津贴;福利Our generous employee benefits package includes health insurance and three weeks' paid vacation.我们有优厚的雇员综合福利,包括医疗保险和三周的带薪假期。
  1. [countable] an event such as a performance, a dinner, etc., organized in order to raise money for a particular person or charity慈善活动;公益活动a benefit concert to raise money for victims of the earthquake为地震灾民筹款的慈善音乐会
for sb's benefitespecially to help, please, etc. someone为帮助某人;为使某人满意;为某人起见For the benefit of newcomers, I will explain the plan again.为了照顾刚来的人,我再把计划解释一遍。give sb the benefit of the doubtto believe what someone says, although there is no proof that it is true(在证据不足的情况下)无罪推定;假定某人说了实话I wasn't sure I could trust him but I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.我不肯定能不能相信他,但还是决定假设他说了实话。

🔑benefitben·e·fit AW 2 /ˈbɛnəfɪt /


(ben·e·fit·ing, ben·e·fit·ed or ben·e·fit·ting, ben·e·fit·ted)
  1. [transitive] to have a good or useful effect使受益;对…有好处The new tax laws will benefit people with low incomes.新税法将使低收入者受益。
  1. [intransitive] benefit (from / by sth) to be in a better position because of something得益于;受益于We've certainly benefited from the changes in the law.我们确实已从法律的变化中获益。Students will benefit by learning to speak another language.学会说另一门语言对学生有益。




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