

词汇 beneath
🔑beneathbe·neath /bɪˈniθ /




  1. in, at, or to a lower position than someone or something; under在(或向)…下面;在(或向)下面It's wonderful to feel the grass beneath my feet.脚下踩着草的感觉真棒。He seemed like a nice person, but there was a lot of anger beneath the surface.他看似很和气,但内心充满了怒气。From the top of the tower, we gazed down on the city beneath us.我们从塔顶俯瞰下面的城市。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Under, below, beneath, and underneath are all similar in meaning. * under、below、beneath 和 underneath 几个词的意思相近。You use under to say that one thing is directly under another thing. There may be a space between the two things, or one thing may be touching or covered by the other thing. * under 表示某物处于另一物体的正下方,两者之间可能有空隙,也可能有接触或被另一物覆盖The cat is asleep under the table.猫在桌子下面睡觉。I think your letter is under that book.我想你的信在那本书的下面。You can use below to say that one thing is in a lower position than another thing when they are both in the same building, on the same part of the body, etc. * below 表示两者在同一座建筑物或位于身体的同一部位等情况下,某物处于另一物体的下方They live on the floor below us.他们住在我们下面一层。It hurts here – just below my knee.这儿疼,就在我的膝盖下面。The phone book is on the shelf below the cookbooks.电话簿在烹饪书下面那层书架上。You use under (not below) to talk about movement from one side of something to the other side. * under (而不是 below)可表示从某物的一边移动到另一边We swam under the bridge.我们从桥下游过。You can use beneath to say that one thing is directly under another thing, but under is more common. Beneath is a more formal word. * beneath 表示某物位于另一物体的正下方,但 under 更为常用。beneath 是较正式的用词。You can use underneath in place of under when you want to emphasize that something is being covered or hidden by another thing.如果要强调某物为另一物所覆盖或遮掩,可以用 underneath 代替 underDid you look underneath the sofa as well as behind it?你看了沙发底下和它的后面了吗?
  1. not good enough for someone配不上(某人)She felt that washing dishes for other people was beneath her.她觉得替别人洗碗有失身份。




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