

词汇 aim
🔑aimaim1 /eɪm /


  1. [countable] something that you intend to do or achieve目标;目的Our aim is to open offices in Knoxville and Memphis before the end of the year.我们的目标是年底前在诺克斯维尔和孟菲斯设立办事处。His only aim in life is to make money.他人生的唯一目标就是赚钱。
➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析purposeaim ◇ intention ◇ plan ◇ point ◇ ideaThese are all words for talking about what someone intends to do or achieve.以上词均表示意图、目的、目标。purposethe reason for doing something; what something is used for or is supposed to achieve目的;目标;意图The purpose of the visit was to see the campus in person.这次来访的目的是想亲眼看一看校园。The purpose of this meeting is to decide what we should do next.这次会议的目的是决定我们下一步该做什么。The building is used for religious purposes.这栋建筑用于宗教目的。aimwhat someone is trying to achieve目标;目的Our main aim is to increase sales in the Northwest.我们的主要目标是提高西北地区的销售额。He was willing to do almost anything to achieve his aim of winning first prize.为了达到获一等奖的目标,他几乎愿意做任何事情。intentionwhat you intend to do, especially in the near future打算;计划;意图I have no intention of going to the wedding.我不打算去参加婚礼。Our intention was to leave early in the morning.我们的打算是一大早就离开。She's full of good intentions but things rarely work out for her.她虽然处处出于善意,但几乎总是事与愿违。planwhat you have decided or arranged to do计划;安排;打算Do you have any plans for the weekend?你周末有什么安排?There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。point(somewhat informal) the purpose or aim of something意图;目的What's the point of all this violence?这些暴行的目的是什么?The point of the lesson is to compare the two countries.本课的目的是比较这两个国家。Point can be a negative word, used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about. * point 有时含贬义,用于描述让人生气或不快的事情。idea(somewhat informal) the purpose of something; someone's aim目的;意图The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend.我们去的唯一目的就是要见见她的新男友。What's the idea behind this assignment?这次任务背后的用意是什么?PATTERNS 句型with the aim / intention / idea of doing sthsb's intention / plan to do sthto have a(n) purpose / aim / intention / plan / pointto achieve a(n) purpose / aim
  1. [uncountable] the act of pointing something at someone or something before trying to hit him / her / it with it瞄准He picked up the gun, took aim, and fired.他拿起枪,瞄准目标,然后开了火。Her aim was good, and she hit the target.她瞄得很准,击中了目标。

🔑aimaim2 /eɪm /


  1. [intransitive] aim to do sth | aim at / for sth to intend to do or achieve something打算;争取;力争We aim to leave after breakfast.我们打算早餐后离开。The company is aiming at a 25% increase in profit.公司正力求利润有 25% 的增长。You should always aim for perfection in your work.在工作上应该永远精益求精。
  1. [transitive] aim sth at sb / sth to direct something at a particular person or group针对;以…为对象The advertising campaign is aimed at young people.这次广告活动的对象是年轻人。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] aim (sth) (at sb / sth) to point something at someone or something before trying to hit him / her / it with it(用…)瞄准,对准She aimed the gun at the target and fired.她拿枪瞄准目标,开了火。
be aimed at sthto be intended to achieve something旨在;目的是The new laws are aimed at reducing pollution in cities.新法规旨在减少城市污染。




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