

词汇 dirty
🔑dirtydirt·y1 /ˈdərt̬i /


(dirt·i·er, dirt·i·est)
  1. not clean肮脏的;污秽的Your hands are dirty. Go and wash them!你的手脏了,去洗洗!Changing a tire can be a dirty job (= it makes you dirty).换轮胎是个脏活。 OPP clean
  1. referring to sex in a way that may upset or offend people下流的;黄色的a dirty joke 下流的笑话Students aren't allowed to use dirty words in class.学生不得在课堂上说粗话。
  1. unkind and not honest; intended to harm someone卑鄙的;不诚实的;恶意中伤的That's a dirty lie!那是卑鄙的谎言!a dirty trick卑鄙手段
➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析dirtydusty ◇ filthy ◇ muddy ◇ grubbyThese words all describe someone or something that is not clean.以上词均表示不干净的、肮脏的。dirtynot clean; covered with dust, soil, mud, oil, etc.肮脏的;污秽的Put your dirty clothes in the hamper.把你的脏衣服放在篮子里。dustyfull of dust; covered with dust布满灰尘的;灰尘覆盖的shelves full of dusty books摆满尘封书籍的书架dusty roads一条条尘土覆盖的马路filthyvery dirty and unpleasant污秽的;肮脏的It's absolutely filthy in here.这里面肮脏极了。muddyfull of or covered in mud多泥的;泥泞的Don't you come in here with those muddy boots on!你别穿着那双沾满泥巴的靴子进来!a muddy track / field泥泞的小径/田地grubby(somewhat informal) somewhat dirty, usually because it has not been washed(通常因未经洗涤)脏兮兮的,邋遢的He hoped she wouldn't notice his grubby fingernails.他希望她不会注意到他那脏兮兮的手指甲。PATTERNS 句型dirty / dusty / filthy / muddy / grubby clothesdirty / dusty / filthy / grubby handsa dirty / dusty / filthy roomto get dirty / dusty / filthy / muddy

dirtydirt·y2 /ˈdərt̬i /


[intransitive, transitive] (present participle dirt·y·ing, third person singular present tense dirt·ies, past tense, past participle dirt·ied)
to become or to make something dirty(使)变脏;弄脏




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