

词汇 cover
🔑covercov·er1 /ˈkʌvər /


hide / protect隐藏;保护
  1. cover sb / sth (up) (with sth) [transitive] to put something on or in front of something in order to hide or protect it遮盖;遮蔽Could you cover the food and put it in the refrigerator?请你把食物盖上放到冰箱里好吗?She couldn't look anymore and covered her eyes.她再也看不下去,捂住了眼睛。She was asleep on the couch, so he covered her up with a blanket.她在沙发上睡着了,于是他给她盖了一条毯子。
spread over surface覆盖
  1. [transitive] to be across or over the surface of something覆盖;盖Snow covered the ground.积雪覆盖着大地。
  1. cover sb / sth in / with sth [transitive] to form a layer on someone or something使蒙上;使布满A car went through the puddle and covered me with mud.一辆汽车开过水洼,溅了我一身泥。
  1. [transitive] to include or to deal with something包括;涉及Part-time workers are not covered by the law.这条规章不适用于兼职人员。The course covered both North and South American history.这门课涵盖了北美和南美历史。
  1. [transitive] to be enough money for something足够支付;够付Will $20 cover your expenses?20 美元够你支付费用吗?
distance / area距离;面积
  1. [transitive] to travel a certain distance走过,驶过(一段距离)We covered about 500 miles that day.那天我们走了大约 500 英里。
  1. [transitive] to fill or be spread over the area mentioned充满;布满;遍及The smoke from the fire now covers about 15,000 square miles.大火产生的烟雾弥漫了大约 15,000 平方英里。
report news报道新闻
  1. [transitive] to report on an event for television, a newspaper, etc.报道;播放All the papers covered the election in depth.所有报纸都深入报道了这次选举。
for someone某人
  1. cover for sb [intransitive] to do someone's job while they are away from work顶班;顶替I'm covering for Matt while he's on vacation.马特度假去了,我在给他顶班。
with insurance保险
  1. cover sb / sth against / for sth [transitive] (business商业) to protect someone or something by insurance给…保险The insurance policy covers us for any damage to our property.这份保单为我们财产的任何损失提供保险。The policy even covers your lawn furniture (= it is insured).这份保单的保障范围甚至包括了你们的户外家具。
cover / touch all the basesto consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging something考虑周到;安排周详I am confident that this contract covers all the bases.我确信这份合同把方方面面都涵盖周全了。 cover (sth) upto prevent people from hearing about a mistake or something bad隐瞒,掩盖(错误或坏事)The police have been accused of trying to cover up the facts of the case.警方被指控试图隐瞒该案的真相。cover up for sbto hide a person's mistakes or crimes in order to protect him / her隐瞒某人的错误(或罪行);包庇His wife covered up for him when the police questioned them.警察审问他们的时候,他妻子包庇了他。

🔑covercov·er2 /ˈkʌvər /


  1. [countable] something that is put on or over something, especially in order to protect it覆盖物;遮盖物;罩子a plastic cover for a computer计算机的塑料罩
  1. [countable] the outside part of a book or magazine(书刊的)封面,封皮I can't remember the title of the book, but I know it has a green cover.我不记得那本书的书名了,但我知道封面是绿色的。I read the magazine from cover to cover (= from beginning to end).我从头到尾读了这本杂志。
  1. the covers [plural] the sheets, blankets,etc. that cover someone in bed床单;床罩;毯子;被子She pulled the covers off him and said, “Get up!她掀开他的被子说道:“起床了!”
  1. [uncountable] shelter or protection from the weather, damage, etc.躲避处;庇护所;掩护When the storm started, we took cover in a hotel lobby.暴风雨来的时候,我们躲进了一家酒店的大堂。The soldiers had no cover and were easy targets.士兵们没有任何掩护,很容易成为攻击目标。
  1. [countable, usually singular] a cover (for sth) something that hides the real nature of something, especially something illegal(尤指对违法事情的)掩盖,掩饰,遮掩The whole company was just a cover for all kinds of criminal activities.整个公司不过是为各种犯罪活动做掩护的幌子而已。
under cover of sthhidden by something; not noticed because of something在…掩护下They attacked under cover of darkness.他们在夜幕的掩护下发动了攻击。




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