

词汇 come
🔑comecome /kʌm /


[intransitive] (past tense came /keɪm / , past participle come)
to a place地方
  1. to move to or toward the person who is speaking or the place that someone is talking aboutCome here!到这儿来!Come (and) look at this.来看看这个。I hope you can come to my party.我希望你能来参加我的聚会。They're coming to stay for a week.他们要来待一个星期。The kids came running into the room.孩子们跑进房间来。
  1. to arrive or reach a place到达;来到What time are you coming home?你什么时候回家?Did the newspaper come yet?报纸来了吗?The news came as a complete surprise.消息传来,让人大吃一惊。The time has come to say goodbye.该是告别的时候了。
to a position / state位置;状态
  1. to have a particular position位于,处于(某位置)March comes after February.二月过后是三月。
  1. (not used in the -ing forms不用 -ing 形式) to be available有;可提供This blouse comes in a choice of four colors.这种女式衬衫有四种颜色可供选择。
  1. to become open or loose开启;松开Your shoelace has come untied.你的鞋带开了。The handle came loose.把手松了。
  1. (usually used with to / into and a noun通常与 to / into 和名词连用) to reach a particular state达到,进入(某种状态)We were all sad when summer vacation came to an end.暑假结束时我们都有些伤感。My dream of going to Hawaii finally came true last month.我去夏威夷的梦想终于在上个月实现了。
  1. come to do sth used for talking about how, why, or when something happened(谈论某事如何、为什么或何时发生)How did you come to lose your passport?你的护照是怎么弄丢的?
come and goto be present for a short time and then go away时隐时现;时来时去The pain in my ear comes and goes.我的耳朵一阵阵地痛。come easily, etc. to sbto be easy, etc. for someone to do(对某人而言)轻而易举Apologizing does not come easily to her.道歉对她来说不是件容易的事。how come…? (informal) why or how为什么;怎么How come you're back so early?你为什么回来得这么早?How come I didn't get one too?为什么我没能也拿到一个?to come (used after a noun用于名词后) in the future未来;今后You'll regret it in years to come.未来的岁月里你会后悔的。when it comes to sth / to doing sthwhen it is a question of something涉及…时;说到When it comes to good cooking, Rick's fried chicken is hard to beat.说到好厨艺,瑞克的炸鸡可是没的比。 come aboutto happen发生How did this situation come about?这种情况是怎么发生的?come acrossto make an impression of a particular type给人以…的印象Elizabeth comes across as being fairly shy.伊丽莎白给人的印象是有些羞涩。come across sb / sthto meet or find someone or something by chance碰见;偶遇I came across this book at a garage sale.我在一个旧物售卖摊偶然发现了这本书。come along
  1. to arrive or appear来到;出现She won't get married until the right man comes along.她要等到合适的男人出现才会结婚。
  1. to make progress or improve进步;提高;改善Your English is coming along nicely.你的英语进步很大。
come apartto break into pieces破碎;破裂This old coat is coming apart at the seams.这件旧外套的接缝处开线了。come around
  1. (used about an event that happens regularly) to happen(周期性的事)发生The end of summer vacation always comes around very quickly.暑假总是很快就结束。
  1. = come to
come around (to sth)to change your opinion so that you agree with someone or something改变立场;改变观点They finally came around to our way of thinking.他们最后改变主意同意了我们的想法。come back
  1. to return回来;返回I don't know what time I'll be coming back.我不知道我什么时候会回来。
  1. to become popular or fashionable again重新受欢迎;再度流行Flared pants are coming back again.喇叭裤又流行了起来。
come back to sbto be remembered回想起;记起At first my mind went blank, but then everything started to come back to me.一开始我脑子空白一片,但接着我就想起了一切。come before sb / sthto be more important than someone or something else比…更重要Mark feels his family comes before his career.马克觉得家庭比事业更重要。come between sb and sbto damage the relationship between two people损害…之间的关系;离间Arguments over money came between the two brothers.为钱争吵影响了兄弟二人之间的关系。come by sthto manage to get something设法得到Fresh strawberries are hard to come by in the winter.冬天很难弄到新鲜的草莓。come down
  1. to fall down掉下;落下The power lines came down in the storm.电线在暴风雨中掉了下来。
  1. to become lower降低;下降The price of land has come down in the past year.过去一年里土地价格有所下降。
come down to sth / to doing sth (informal) to be able to be explained by a single important point可归结为;可归纳为It all comes down to having the right qualifications.归根到底,就是得有合适的资历。come down to sthto reach down to a particular point下垂,向下延伸(到某一点)Her hair comes down to her waist.她的头发垂至腰部。come down with sth (health医疗保健) to become sick with something染上;患上I think I'm coming down with the flu.我觉得我得了流感。come forwardto offer help主动提供帮助;挺身而出The police are asking witnesses to come forward.警察呼吁目击人主动站出来。come from…to live in or have been born in a place来自;出生于Where do you come from originally?你原籍是哪里?come from (doing) sth
  1. to be produced by or from something源自;产自Wool comes from sheep.羊毛出自绵羊。
  1. to be the result of something由于;是…的结果“I'm tired. “That comes from all the partying you've done lately.“我很累。”“那是因为你最近不停地吃喝玩乐。”
come in
  1. (used about the ocean) to move toward the land(潮水)上涨The tide was coming in fast.潮水上涨很快。 OPP go out
  1. (used about news or information) to be received(消息或信息)传来,被收到Reports are coming in of a shooting downtown.有报道称闹市区发生了枪击事件。
  1. to finish a race, contest, etc. in a particular position(赛跑、竞赛等中)取得(某个名次)Kelly came in first in the 400-meter dash.凯利在 400 米赛跑中得了第一。
come of sth / of doing sthto be the result of something是…的结果We've written to several companies asking for help, but nothing has come of it yet.我们给几家公司去信求助,但至今毫无结果。come off
  1. to be able to be removed可拆卸;能去掉Does the collar come off?领子可以取下来吗?
  1. to give a particular impression, especially a negative one给人…(尤指不好的)印象She comes off as rude, but she's really a warm person when you get to know her.她给人无礼的印象,可是你认识她之后就会知道她其实很热心。
  1. (informal) to be successful成功The deal seems unlikely to come off.这笔交易看来成不了事。
come off (sth)to become removed from something从…脱落;从…掉下来One of the legs came off this table.这张桌子掉了一条腿。A button came off when I was putting my shirt on.我穿衬衣时掉了一粒扣子。come off it (informal) used to say that you do not believe someone or something, or that you strongly disagree with someone(表示不相信或强烈反对)得了吧,少胡扯Come off it! That's never going to happen and you know it!得了吧,那是不可能发生的,你很清楚这一点!come on
  1. (used about a machine or a piece of equipment) to start to work(机器或设备)开始运转All the lights suddenly came on.所有的灯突然亮了。
  1. (used about a television or radio program, etc.) to start(电视或电台节目等)开播The local news comes on at 6:00.地方新闻 6 点播出。
  1. to begin开始I think I feel a cold coming on.我觉得要感冒了。
  1. to start to act, play in a sports game, etc.(表演、比赛等中)出场,上场They played the same music every time the bad guy came on.坏人每次出场都播同样的音乐。A substitute came on in the second quarter.替补队员在第二节比赛时上场。
  1. come on! (informal) used for telling someone to hurry, try harder, etc.(用于催促、鼓励等)快,加油,加把劲Come on! It's time to go.快点!该走了。Come on, you guys! You can do better than that.加油,伙计们!你们可以做得更好。Oh, come on! Do you expect me to believe that?哦,得了吧!你以为我会相信那个?
come out
  1. to appear出现The rain stopped and the sun came out.雨停了,太阳出来了。The report came out in 2010.那份报告是 2010 年出的。
  1. to become known获悉;为人所知It was only after his death that the truth came out.直到他死后,真相才大白于世。
  1. to be produced or published生产;出版When is her new book coming out?她的新书什么时候出版?
come out (of sth)to be removed from something被除掉;被去掉Red wine stains don't come out easily.红酒渍不容易去除。come out with sthto say or produce something说出;做出The committee came out with a new report on the economy.委员会发表了一份新的经济报告。come over (to...)to visit a person or place拜访;参观Why don't you come over to our house on Saturday?你星期六何不来我们家呢?come over (to…) (from…)to move from one place to another从…到…;搬到My great-grandfather came over to New York from Germany in 1921.我的曾祖父 1921 年从德国来到纽约。come over sb(used about a feeling) to affect someone(情感)影响某人A feeling of despair came over me.我感到一阵绝望。come through(used about news, information, etc.) to arrive(消息、信息等)传来Election results are just starting to come through.选举结果马上就要出来。come through (sth)to escape injury or death in a dangerous situation, an illness, etc.脱离(险境等);幸免to come through a heart attack心脏病发作后脱险come tocome around (health医疗保健) to become conscious again醒过来;苏醒 OPP pass outcome to sth
  1. to equal or total a particular amount等于;总计The bill for the meal came to $35.那顿饭总共花了 35 美元。
  1. to result in a bad situation沦落到;恶化到We'll sell the house to pay our debts if we have to, but we hope it won't come to that.如果万不得已我们会把房子卖掉来还债,但我们希望不致落到那般田地。
come under sth
  1. to be included in a particular section, department, etc.归入;归于Serious crimes do not come under the jurisdiction of this court.重罪审判不在这个法庭的权限之内。
  1. to be the object of criticism, an attack, etc.遭受(批评、攻击等)Our principal has come under intense pressure to resign.我们校长承受着要他辞职的沉重压力。
come up
  1. to happen or be going to happen in the future发生;即将发生I have an important meeting coming up next week.我下周有个重要的会议。
  1. to be discussed or mentioned被讨论;被提及The subject of religion came up.有人谈起了宗教问题。
  1. (used about the sun and moon) to rise(太阳、月亮)升起
  1. (used about a plant) to appear above the soil(植物)长出,破土而出
come up against sb / sthto find a problem or difficulty that you have to deal with面对,面临(问题或困难)We have come up against stiff competition from foreign manufacturers.我们面临国外制造商的激烈竞争。come up to sth
  1. to reach up as far as a particular point升到(某一点)The water came up to our knees.水没过了我们的膝盖。
  1. to be as good as usual or as necessary达到(一般或应有的水平)This piece of work does not come up to your usual standard.这件作品没有达到你平时的水准。
come up with sthto find an answer or a solution to something找到(答案或解决方法)Engineers have come up with new ways of saving energy.工程师找到了节能的新办法。




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