

词汇 hot
🔑hothot /hɑt /


(hot·ter, hot·test)
  1. having a high temperature热的;温度高的Can I open the window? I'm really hot.我可以打开窗户吗?我觉得很热。Be careful. The plates are hot.当心,盘子很烫。It's hot today, isn't it?今天很热,是吧?Do you like this hot weather?你喜欢这种热天气吗?a hot meal热饭菜
  1. (used about food) causing a burning feeling in your mouth(食物)辣的hot sauce辣味酱  look at spicy
  1. (informal) exciting and popular走红的;风行的;风靡一时的one of Hollywood's hottest stars好莱坞最当红的明星之一
  1. (informal) sexually attractive性感的I think the new guy in the office is really hot!我觉得办公室新来的小伙子很性感!
be hot at sth (often used with a negative常与否定词连用) to know a lot about something, or to be good at doing something通晓某事;擅长做某事Don't ask me. I'm not so hot at history.别问我,我对历史不大在行。be in / get into hot waterto be in or get into trouble有麻烦;惹上麻烦She got into hot water with her parents for being late last Saturday.她上周六因为迟到而受到父母责怪。go / sell like hot cakesto be sold very quickly畅销;非常抢手These new T-shirts are selling like hot cakes.这些新 T 恤衫卖得很快。




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