

词汇 drive
🔑drivedrive1 /draɪv /


(past tense drove /droʊv / , past participle driv·en /ˈdrɪvn /)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to control or operate a car / train / bus驾驶,开(汽车、火车、公交车等)Can you drive?你会开车吗?to drive a car / train / bus / truck驾驶汽车/火车/公交车/卡车
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to go or take someone somewhere in a car, etc.开车去;开车送(某人)I usually drive to work.我通常开车上班。We drove Nancy to the airport.我们开车送南希去机场了。
  1. [transitive] to make a machine work by giving it power驱动;推动What drives the wheels in this engine?这台发动机的机轮是靠什么驱动的?
make someone do something使某人做某事
  1. [transitive] to cause someone to be in a particular state or to do a particular thing促使(陷入某种状态);驱使(某人做某事)That noise is driving me crazy / nuts / insane (= it is really annoying me).那噪音快把我逼疯了。to drive someone to despair使某人陷入绝望His loneliness drove him to commit suicide.孤独的感觉逼得他自杀。
  1. [transitive] to force someone to act in a particular way迫使,逼迫(以致某种程度或结果)The urge to survive drove them on.求生的欲望迫使他们继续前进。You shouldn't drive yourself so hard.你不应该把自己逼得太狠。
make someone or something move使移动
  1. [transitive] to force people or animals to move in a particular direction驱赶;驱逐The farmer drove the sheep into the pen.农夫把羊赶进圈里。
hit / push击;推
  1. [transitive] to force something into a particular position by hitting it把(某物)打入;击;敲to drive a post into the ground把一根桩敲进地下
drive a hard bargainto argue in an aggressive way and force someone to agree on the best possible price or arrangement狠狠地杀价;拼命讨价还价drive sb up the wall (informal) to make someone extremely angry or annoyed逼得某人发狂(或烦透了)These kids have been driving me up the wall all day!这些孩子让我一整天都处于崩溃的状态! drive off(used about a car, driver, etc.) to leave(汽车)驶离,开走;(驾驶员)驱车离开drive sb / sth offto force someone or something to go back or away击退;赶走The defenders drove off each attack.防守队员击退了每一次进攻。

🔑drivedrive2 /draɪv /


in / of vehicle交通工具
  1. [countable] a trip in a car驱车旅行;驾车路程The shopping mall is only a five-minute drive away.开车去购物广场只要五分钟。Let's go out for a drive through the countryside.咱们开车去郊外兜兜风吧。
  1. [uncountable] the position of the gears of a car, etc. in which the engine is sending power to the wheels so that the car can move forward前进挡;驱动挡Don't turn off the ignition while the car is still in drive.汽车挂前进挡时不要熄火。  look at neutral2, park1 (4) , reverse2 (2)
outside house房子外面
  1. [countable] a private road that leads to a large house(通往大宅子的)私人车道to pull in to the drive 开进私人车道 SYN driveway
  1. [countable] a strong effort by a group of people in order to achieve something(为达成某目标的)集体努力,运动a sales / fund-raising drive促销/募捐活动
desire / energy欲望;精力
  1. [countable, uncountable] a strong natural need or desire强烈欲望;本能需求a strong sex drive强烈的性欲
  1. [uncountable] the energy and determination you need to succeed in doing something精力;干劲;决心
in sports体育运动
  1. [countable] (sport体育) a long hard hit or kick猛击;猛踢He hit a 300-yard drive (= in golf).他一杆挥出了 300 码。
  1. [countable] (computing计算机) the part of a computer that reads and stores information驱动器a 120 GB hard drive120 吉字节的硬盘驱动器a flash drive闪存盘  look at disk drive
  1. (abbreviation Dr.) [singular] used in the name of some streets(用于某些街道名称)路,大道We live at 1120 Lakeside Drive.我们住在湖滨路 1120 号。




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