

词汇 drift
driftdrift1 /drɪft /


  1. to be carried or moved along by wind or water漂流;漂移;飘The boat drifted out to sea.船漂向大海。
  1. to move slowly or without any particular purpose缓慢移动;漫无目的地移动She drifted into acting almost by accident.她走上了演戏这条路,几乎纯属偶然。At one time they were close friends, but over the years they drifted apart.他们一度是亲密的朋友,但这些年来彼此逐渐疏远了。
  1. (used about snow or sand) to be moved into piles by wind or water(雪或沙)吹积,堆积The snow drifted up to six feet in some places.有些地方积雪达到六英尺。

driftdrift2 /drɪft /


  1. [countable] a slow movement toward something缓慢的移动the country's drift into economic decline该国经济的缓慢衰退
  1. [singular] the general meaning of something主旨;大意I couldn't understand every word, but I got the drift of what he was saying.我不是每个词都能听懂,但大概明白他说的意思。She's not exactly a genius, if you catch my drift.她根本不是天才,你明白我的意思吧。
  1. [countable] = snowdrift




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