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词汇 calendar
calendarcal·en·dar /ˈkæləndər /


  1. a chart, often in the form of a book, that shows the days, weeks, and months of a particular year日历;台历;挂历She had circled the important dates on her calendar in red.她在日历上用红笔圈出重要日子。I'll write that down in my appointment calendar.我会把那事记在我的预约日历上。
  1. a record of what you have to do each day; the book or piece of software in which you write this down日程表;记事簿
  1. a list of dates and events in a year that are important in a particular area of activity(某一领域重大事件的)日程表;全年大事一览表The party's convention is a major event on the campaign calendar.该党代表大会是竞选日程表中的一件大事。
  1. a system for dividing time into fixed periods and for marking the beginning and end of a year历法the Muslim calendar伊斯兰教历Our school's academic calendar is divided into four quarters.我们学校的校历分成四学期。
a calendar monthone of the twelve months of the year, or a period of time from a particular date in one month to the same date in the next one日历月(一年十二个月中的一个月);一整月的时间(从某月某日到下月同一日)a calendar yearthe period of time from January 1 to December 31 in the same year日历年(公历 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日)




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