

词汇 bystander
bystanderby·stand·er /ˈbaɪstændər /


a person who is standing near and sees something that happens, without being involved in it旁观者Several innocent bystanders were hurt when the two gangs attacked each other.数名无辜的旁观者在两个团伙斗殴时受伤。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析witnessobserver ◇ onlooker ◇ passerby ◇ bystander ◇ eyewitnessThese are all words for a person who sees something happen.以上词均指目睹事情发生的人。witnessa person who sees something happen and is able to describe it to other people; a person who gives evidence in a court of law目击者;见证人;证人Police are seeking witnesses to the accident.警方正在寻找这起事故的目击者。observera person who watches something happen观察者;目击者According to observers, the election was peaceful and fair.据观察者言,这次选举和平而公正。onlookera person who watches something that is happening but is not involved in it旁观者A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene of the accident.在出事地点聚集了一群围观者。passerbya person who is going past someone or something by chance, especially when something unexpected happens路人,路过的人(尤指在意外事件发生时碰巧路过)Police asked passersby if they had witnessed the robbery.警方询问路过的人是否目击了这次抢劫。bystandera person who is near and can see what is happening when something such as an accident or fight takes place现场目击者;旁观者Three innocent bystanders were killed in the crossfire.三个无辜的旁观者在交火中丧生。eyewitnessa person who has seen a crime or accident and can describe it afterward(犯罪或事故的)目击者,见证人PATTERNS 句型a(n) witness / observer / onlooker / passerby / bystander / eyewitness sees stha(n) observer / onlooker / passerby / bystander witnesses sth




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