

词汇 accurate
🔑accurateac·cu·rate AW /ˈækyərət /


careful and exact; without mistakes准确的;精确的;正确无误的an accurate description of the house对该房子的准确描述That clock isn't very accurate.那钟走得不太准。 OPP inaccurate
ac·cu·rate·ly 🔑 AW


➨ AWL COLLOCATIONS 学术词搭配accurateaccurate adjective准确的;精确的 assessment | estimate, measurement | prediction | description | reflection | information | result Firms must acquire accurate information from clients about their needs.公司必须从客户那里获取准确的需求信息。 factually, historically, technically Although this book is historically accurate, it is not a history book.尽管这本书史实准确,但它并不是历史书。 not entirely, not strictly The figures he gave were not strictly accurate.他给的数字不尽准确。 prove These predictions proved accurate.这些预测后来证明是准确的。inaccurate adjective不准确的;不精确的 estimate | information | result | statement Inaccurate estimates can lead to overproduction.估算不准会导致生产过剩。 factually, historically, technically He is technically inaccurate in several of his claims.他的几个说法严格说来是不准确的。accuracy noun准确性;精确度 factual, historical, technical Get the manuscript checked for factual accuracy.校订原稿确认其事实的准确性。 confirm | ensure | check | test Great care is taken to ensure the accuracy of research data.采取了非常严谨的措施以保证研究数据的准确性。accurately adverb准确地;精确地 assess | describe | estimate, measure | predict | reflect Your title must accurately reflect the substance of your paper.题目必须准确反映论文的内容。




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