

词汇 first name
first nameˈfirst name / /


the name that is given to a person when he / she is born名字“What's Mrs. Brown's first name? “Alice.“布朗夫人的名字叫什么?”“艾丽斯。”➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充Your first name (or given name) is the name your parents choose for you when you are born. * first name 或 given name 是父母在孩子出生后为孩子起的名字。Most people in the United States and Canada also have a middle name that is also chosen by their parents, but they may not use it very often. Some people use their middle initial on forms, documents, etc.在美国和加拿大,多数人还有 middle name (中名),也是父母起的,但可能不常使用。有些人在表格、文件等署名时会写上 middle initial (中名的首字母)Steven N. Palmer史蒂文 · N. 帕尔默Last name is the expression usually used for your family name which you are born with. When a woman gets married, she may change her last name to be the same as her husband's. Her last name before marriage is then called her maiden name. * last name 通常指姓。女人婚后可能会从夫姓,婚前的姓则称为 maiden name (娘家姓)。be on a first-name basis (with sb)to know someone well enough to call him / her by his / her first name关系密切到可直呼其名




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