

词汇 fake
fakefake1 /feɪk /


not real or genuine假的a fake ID假身份证a fake smile假笑➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析artificialartificial ◇ synthetic ◇ fake ◇ man-made ◇ falseThese words all describe things that are not real, or not naturally produced or grown.以上词均表示假的、人工的、人造的。artificialmade or produced to copy something natural; not real人工的;人造的;假的artificial flowers假花artificial light人工照明The new stadium has artificial turf.这座新的体育场铺有人造草皮。syntheticmade by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals人造的;合成的synthetic drugs合成药物shoes made of synthetic material合成材料制成的鞋Polyester is a synthetic fiber.聚酯纤维是一种合成纤维。fake(sometimes disapproving) made to look like something else; not real or genuine伪造的;冒充的;假的a fake designer watch假冒的名牌手表a fake beard假胡须a fake-fur jacket人造毛皮夹克衫a fake ID card伪造的身份证man-mademade by people; not natural人造的;人工的man-made fibers such as nylon尼龙等人造纤维a man-made lake人工湖false(somewhat formal) not natural; not genuine, but made to look real to cheat people非天然的;非天生的;假的false teeth / eyelashes假牙;假睫毛PATTERNS 句型artificial / synthetic / man-made fabrics / fibers / materials / productsartificial / synthetic / fake fur / leather / diamonds / pearls

fakefake2 /feɪk /


  1. a work of art, etc. that seems to be real or genuine but is not赝品;假货That's not a real diamond necklace. It's just a fake!那不是真的钻石项链,只是赝品!
  1. a person who is not really what they appear to be骗子;冒充者;假冒者Our accountant turned out to be a fake and ran off with our life savings.我们的会计原来是个骗子,卷走我们一生的积蓄逃跑了。

fakefake3 /feɪk /


  1. to copy something in order to make people believe it is the real thing伪造;冒充He faked his father's signature.他假冒了父亲的签名。
  1. to pretend that you are feeling something that you are not假装,装出(某种情感)I faked surprise when he told me the news.他告诉我那个消息时,我假装很吃惊。




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