

词汇 fact
🔑factfact /fækt /


  1. [countable] something that you know has happened or is true事实;实情It is a scientific fact that light travels faster than sound.光速比音速快,这是科学事实。We need to know all the facts before we can decide.我们做决定前需要先了解所有的事实。I know for a fact that Peter wasn't sick yesterday.我肯定彼得昨天没生病。 The fact that I am older than you makes no difference at all.我年龄是比你大,但这根本没差别。You need to face facts and accept that he is gone.他已经走了,你得面对并接受这个事实。
  1. [uncountable] true things; reality真实的事情;现实The movie is based on fact.这部电影以真人真事为蓝本。 OPP fiction
as a matter of factto tell the truth; in reality事实上;实际上;其实I like him very much, as a matter of fact.说真的,我很喜欢他。the fact (of the matter) is (that)the truth is that…事实是;实际情况是I would love a car, but the fact is that I just can't afford one.我很想有部车,但事实上我根本买不起。facts and figures (informal) detailed information详细信息;详情Here are some facts and figures on new housing developments in the city: ...以下是市区新住宅开发的一些详细信息:…a fact of lifea true situation that you cannot ignore, even if it is unpleasant生活的(残酷)现实It's just a fact of life that some children come from poor families.一些孩子出生于贫困家庭,这是残酷的现实。the facts of life (health医疗保健) the details of sexual behavior and how babies are born性知识;生理知识hard factsinformation that you know is correct铁的事实;客观事实Reporters still have very few hard facts on this story.对于这个传闻记者们仍然没知道多少事实真相。in fact
  1. (used for emphasizing that something is true) really; actually(用于强调)事实上,实际上I thought the lecture would be boring, but in fact it was pretty interesting.我以为讲座会很枯燥,但实际上很有意思。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库howeverways of saying “but”表示“但是”的不同说法For years, politicians have promised to improve road safety. However, we have seen little progress so far.多年来,政客们一直承诺要改善道路安全,然而时至今日我们看不到有什么进展。Although politicians have promised for years to improve road safety, we have seen little progress so far.尽管政客们多年来一直承诺要改善道路安全,但时至今日我们看不到有什么进展。In spite of / Despite clear evidence from recent studies, the government has introduced no new traffic laws.尽管近期的研究提供了明确的根据,政府却依然没有实施新的交通法规。Politicians claim that the new road safety policy has been a success. In fact, it has been a complete disaster.政客们声称新的道路安全政策很成功,但事实上是彻底的失败。
  1. used for introducing more detailed information(用于补充细节)确切地说It was cold. In fact, it was freezing.天很冷。确切一点说,冻死人了。




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