

词汇 face
🔑faceface1 /feɪs /


  1. the front part of your head and the expression on it脸;面孔;面部表情Go and wash your face.去洗洗脸。She has a very pretty face.她的脸非常美。He came in with a smile on his face.他面带微笑走进来。the children's happy faces孩子们幸福的脸庞➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Physical Appearance外貌face(bright / dark / light) blue / green / brown / hazel eyesfull / thick / thin / dry / cracked lipswhite / perfect / crooked / bad / false teetha strong / weak / pointed / double china long / short / full / bushy / neat beardbushy / thick / arched eyebrowslong / dark / false eyelashesflushed / rosy / red / pale / chubby cheekshair and skin毛发和皮肤pale / fair / dark / tanned skindry / oily / smooth / rough / wrinkled skinblond(e) / fair / (light / dark) brown / black / auburn / red / gray hairstraight / curly / wavy / frizzy / spiky hairlong / short / shoulder-length / cropped haira bald patch / spota bald / balding / shaved heada side / center partbody身体broad / narrow / rounded / hunched shouldersa broad / muscular / small / large chestlong / muscular / skinny / slender legs / armsa good / a slim / a full / a voluptuous figurebe of slim / slight / medium / average / heavy / athletic / stocky builda small / tiny / narrow / slim / slender/34-inch waist
  1. the front or one side of something(物体的)正面,面the north face of the mountain山的北面He put the cards face up / down on the table.他把纸牌正面朝上/朝下放在桌上。a clock face钟面
  1. -faced (used to form compound adjectives用于构成复合形容词) having the type of face or expression mentioned有…脸的;有…表情的red / round-faced面色红润的;圆脸的
face to face (with sb / sth)close to and looking at someone or something面对面;正对着She turned the corner and came face to face with the principal.她转过拐角,迎面碰上校长。keep a straight faceto stop yourself from smiling or laughing绷着脸;忍住笑lose / save faceto lose / keep yourself from losing the respect of other people丢脸;保全颜面He did not want to lose face by making a mistake in front of his boss.他不想在老板面前出错丢脸。make faces / a face (at sb)to make an expression that shows that you dislike someone or something板着脸;沉着脸;拉长了脸When she saw what was for dinner, she made a face.她看到晚饭的饭菜后,脸便拉了下来。make facesto make rude expressions with your face扮怪相;做鬼脸The children made faces behind the teacher's back.孩子们在老师背后做鬼脸。to sb's faceopenly and directly当着某人的面;公开直接地I wanted to say that I was sorry to her face, not on the phone.我想当面向她道歉,不想在电话里说。 OPP behind sb's back

🔑faceface2 /feɪs /


  1. to have or turn the face or front toward someone or something面向;朝向The porch faces south.门廊朝南。Can you all face the front, please?请大家都面向前好吗?
  1. to have to deal with something unpleasant; to deal with someone in a difficult situation面对,面临(令人不快的事);应付(某人)They faced a lot of problems when they moved to a new house.他们搬到新居后面临很多问题。I can't face another argument.我无法面对又一次争吵。He couldn't face going to work yesterday he felt too sick.他昨天无法去上班,因为很不舒服。I didn't know how to face my mother after I'd wrecked her car.我撞坏了母亲的车后不知道该如何面对她。
  1. to need attention from someone使面对;使面临There are several problems facing the country.该国正面临着一些问题。
  1. (often passive常用被动语态) to force someone to deal with a situation, etc.迫使…面对;迫使…应付We are faced with a difficult decision.我们面临艰难抉择。
let's face it (informal) we must accept it as true我们得承认;面对现实Let's face it not everyone is going to pass the test.我们得承认不是人人都能通过考试。 face up to sthto accept a difficult or unpleasant situation and do something about it敢于面对,勇于正视(艰难或不愉快的事)She faced up to the fact that she had no money and went out and got a job.她勇敢地面对没钱的事实,出去找了份工作。




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