

词汇 address
🔑addressad·dress1 /əˈdrɛs ; ˈædrɛs /


  1. the number of the building and the name of the street and place where someone lives or works地址;住址Let me give you my home / business address.我给你我的住址/公司地址吧。She no longer lives at this address.她不在这个地址住了。Please inform the office of any change of address.如地址有变,请通知办事处。an address book (= where you keep addresses, phone numbers, etc.) 地址簿
  1. (computing计算机) a series of words and / or numbers that tells you where you can find someone or something using a computer(互联网)地址What's your e-mail address?你的电邮地址是什么?a Web address网址
  1. a formal speech that is given to an audience演讲;演说➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析speechlecture ◇ address ◇ talk ◇ sermonThese are all words for a talk given to an audience.以上词均表示讲话、发言。speecha formal talk given to an audience, on a public or private occasion(正式的)演说,讲话,发言Several people made speeches at the wedding.好几个人在婚礼上讲了话。lecturea talk given to a group of people to tell them about a particular subject, often as part of a university or college course(常指大学的)讲座,讲课,演讲a lecture on the Roman army关于罗马军队的讲座a course / series of lectures讲座课程;系列讲座addressa formal public speech(正式的)演讲,演说a televised presidential address总统的电视演讲talka fairly informal session in which someone tells a group of people about a subject(不太正式的)报告,演说She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China.她做了个有关她在中国访问的有趣报告。sermona talk on a moral or religious subject, usually given by a religious leader during a service布道;讲道to preach a sermon布道PATTERNS 句型a long / short speech / lecture / address / talk / sermona keynote speech / lecture / addressto prepare / give / deliver / hear a(n) speech / lecture / address / talk / sermonto write a speech / sermonto attend / go to a lecture / talk

🔑addressad·dress2 /əˈdrɛs /


  1. address sth (to sb / sth) to write on an envelope, etc. the name and address of the person you are sending it to写(收件人)姓名地址The package was returned because it had been wrongly addressed.因地址写错,包裹被退了回来。
  1. to make an important or formal speech to a crowd or audience发表演说;讲话The president will address the nation tonight.总统今晚将向全国发表演说。
  1. to try to deal with a problem, etc.设法解决;处理;应对We will address the issue of health care at the next meeting.我们下次会议将讨论医疗保健问题。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库aboutsaying what a text is about描述文本的内容The book is about homelessness in big cities.这本书写的是大城市中人们无家可归的现象。The report addresses / deals with the issue of homelessness in America.这份报告论及/阐述美国的无家可归问题。The writer discusses / explores the problems faced by homeless people.作者讨论/探讨了无家可归的人所面临的种种问题。The first chapter examines the relationship between homelessness and drug addiction.第一章审视了无家可归与吸毒成瘾之间的关系。The paper considers the question of why so many young people become homeless.本篇论文分析了为何如此多的青年人无家可归这一问题。
  1. to talk or write to someone using a particular name or title称呼(某人);冠以(头衔)She prefers to be addressed as “Ms.她喜欢别人称她为“女士”。
  1. address sth to sb (formal) make a comment, etc. to someone向…提出(意见等)He addressed his criticisms mainly to the new members.他的批评主要针对新成员。




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