

词汇 corner
🔑cornercor·ner1 /ˈkɔrnər /


  1. a place where two lines, edges, surfaces, or roads meet角;角落;拐角;街角in a corner of the room在房间的一个角落Write your address in the upper right-hand corner.把你的地址写在右上角。The office is on the corner of Fifth Avenue and 35th Street.办事处在第五大道和 35 街的交会处。There's a mailbox around the corner on Walnut Street.沃尔纳特街的拐角处有一个邮箱。
  1. a quiet or secret place or area(僻静或隐秘的)地方,角落a remote corner of Alaska阿拉斯加的一个边远角落
  1. a difficult situation which you cannot escape from困境;绝路to get yourself into a corner陷入困境
cut cornersto do something quickly and not as well as you should(做事)走捷径;敷衍了事(just) around the corner(used about an event or a date) very near(事件)即将发生的;(日期)即将到来的Dad's birthday is just around the corner have you bought him a present yet?爸爸的生日就快到了,你给他买礼物了吗?

cornercor·ner2 /ˈkɔrnər /


to get a person or an animal into a position from which it is difficult or impossible to escape将…逼入绝境;使走投无路He cornered me at the party and started telling me about his problems.他在聚会上把我堵住,开始向我大吐苦水。corner the market (on sth) (business商业) to get control in some area of business so that there is no room for anyone else to have any success垄断市场;占领市场We hope to corner the market on healthy snacks.我们希望能占领健康零食的市场。




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