

词汇 waste
🔑wastewaste1 /weɪst /


[transitive] waste sth (on sb / sth)
to use or spend something in a careless way or for something that is not necessary浪费;滥用She wastes a lot of money on cosmetics.她把很多钱浪费在化妆品上。Don't waste water turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth.别浪费水,刷牙时关掉水龙头。He wasted his time at college because he didn't work hard.他没有好好学习,虚度了大学时光。be wasted on sb / sthto be too good, intelligent, etc. for someone or something给…用(或吃等)是浪费;被糟蹋Expensive food is wasted on me. I don't know anything about it.给我吃昂贵的食物是浪费,我并不懂吃。waste not, want notif you never waste anything, especially food or money, you will always have it when you need it勤俭节约,吃穿不缺 waste away(used about a person) to become thin and weak, especially because of illness(人尤因病)变得虚弱

🔑wastewaste2 /weɪst /


  1. a waste (of sth) [singular, uncountable] an action that involves not using something carefully or using something in an unnecessary way浪费;滥用If he gives up acting, it will be a waste of great talent.如果他放弃表演,那将是伟大天才的浪费。The class was a waste of time I'd heard it all before.这堂课就是浪费时间,我以前全都听过。
  1. [uncountable] material, food, etc. that is not needed and is therefore thrown away废料;废物;垃圾nuclear waste核废物A lot of household waste can be recycled and reused.许多生活垃圾都可以回收再利用。  look at garbage, trash1
go to wasteto not be used; to be thrown away and wasted被浪费;被糟蹋I can't bear to see good food going to waste!看见好好的食物要白白浪费我就受不了!

🔑wastewaste3 /weɪst /


(only before a noun只用于名词前) no longer useful; to be thrown away无用的;丢弃的waste material废料




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