

词汇 touch
🔑touchtouch1 /tʌtʃ /


no space between无间隙
  1. [intransitive, transitive](used about two or more things, surfaces, etc.) to be or go so close together that there is no space between them(两个或更多的物体、表面等)接触,相碰They were sitting so close that their heads touched.他们坐得很近,头都挨到一起了。This bicycle is too big. My feet don't touch the ground.这辆自行车太高,我的脚都够不着地面。
with hands / fingers用手或手指
  1. [transitive] to put a part of your body, usually your hand or fingers, onto someone or something触摸;碰He touched her gently on the cheek.他轻轻地抚摸她的脸颊。The police asked us not to touch anything.警方叫我们不要碰任何东西。 (figurative) June never touches alcohol (= she never drinks it).琼从来不沾酒。
affect someone or something影响某人/某事
  1. [transitive] to make someone feel sadness, sympathy, thanks, etc.触动;打动;使感动a sad story that touched our hearts打动我们心扉的悲伤故事  look at touched
be involved with卷入
  1. [transitive] (usually in negative sentences通常用于否定句) to deal with a problem or become involved in a situation对付;触及;涉及There were rumors of illegal activities at the bank, but no newspaper would touch the story.有传言说该银行有违法活动,但没有一家报纸愿意触及此事。
equal someone比得上某人
  1. [transitive] (in negative sentences用于否定句) to be as good as someone or something比得上;与…相媲美He's a much better player than all the others. No one else can touch him.他比其他所有运动员都要好得多,没有人能比得上他。
cover / touch all the basesto consider and deal with all the things that could happen or could be needed when you are arranging something考虑周到;安排周详I am confident that this contract covers all the bases.我确信这份合同把方方面面都涵盖周全了。touch base (with sb) (informal) to contact someone and speak with him / her for a short time in order to exchange information联系;接触 touch down(used about a plane) to land(飞机)着陆,降落touch on / upon sthto talk or write about something for only a short time(稍稍)谈及,提及,涉及touch sth upto improve something by making small changes or repairs(稍加)修饰,修改Use a small paintbrush to touch up any scratches.用小漆刷修补一下划痕。

🔑touchtouch2 /tʌtʃ /


with hands / fingers用手或手指
  1. [countable, usually singular] the action of putting your hands or fingers onto someone or something触摸;触;碰I felt the touch of her hand on my arm.我感觉到她的手碰了一下我的胳膊。
  1. [uncountable] one of the five senses: the ability to feel things and know what they are like when you put your hands or fingers on them触觉The sense of touch is very important to blind people.对于盲人而言,触觉非常重要。
way something feels给人的感觉
  1. [uncountable] the way something feels when you touch it触摸时的感觉Marble is cold to the touch.大理石摸起来很凉。
small detail小细节
  1. [countable] a small detail that is added to improve something修饰;点缀;润色The flowers on our table were a nice touch.我们桌上的花是个很好的点缀。I'm just putting the finishing touches to the cake.我正在为蛋糕做最后的装点。
small amount微量
  1. [singular] a touch (of sth) a small amount of something一点儿;少许There was a touch of sarcasm in her voice.她的话音中有点讥讽的意味。
way of doing something做事方式
  1. [singular] a way or style of doing something作风;风格;手法She prefers to answer any fan mail herself for a more personal touch.她喜欢亲自回复崇拜者的邮件,这样显得更有个性。Computer graphics will give your presentation the professional touch.计算机图形会让你的幻灯片演示显得更专业。
in touch / out of touch (with sb)being / not being in contact with someone by speaking or writing to him / her(与某人)保持/失去联系During the year she was overseas, they kept in touch by e-mail.她在海外的那一年,他们通过电子邮件保持联系。in touch / out of touch with sthhaving / not having recent information about something知晓/不知道(某事的)最新进展We're out of touch with what's going on.我们对目前发生的事一无所知。lose touch (with sb / sth)to no longer have contact (with someone or something)(与…)失去联系I've lost touch with a lot of my old friends from high school.我和中学的很多老朋友已经失去联系。lose your touchto lose a special skill or ability to do something失去特有的技能(或能力)




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