

词汇 top
🔑toptop1 /tɑp /


highest point最高处
  1. [countable] the highest part or point of something顶;顶部;顶端The apartment is at the top of the building.这套公寓在顶楼。You could see the snow on the mountain tops.可以看见山顶上的雪。Start reading at the top of the page.从这页的最顶端开始读。 OPP bottom
upper surface表面
  1. [countable] the flat upper surface of something表面;上面a desk / table / bench top书桌的面;桌面;长椅的面
highest rank最高级别
  1. [singular] the top (of sth) the highest or most important position最高的位置(或职位)to be at the top of your profession处于行业内的最高位置
OPP bottom
of pen / bottle, etc.笔、瓶子等
  1. [countable] the cover that you put onto something in order to close it帽;盖Put the tops back on the pens or they will dry out.把笔帽盖上,不然笔就干了。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Lid, cap, or top? * lid、cap 还是 top?A top or cap is often small and round. You take it off by turning it. * top 或 cap 一般指小的圆形拧盖a bottle top瓶盖Unscrew cap to open.把盖子拧开。A lid is often larger, and you can lift it off. * lid 一般指较大的、可掀起的盖子a garbage can lid垃圾箱盖子Put the lid back on the box.盖上盒盖。
  1. [countable] a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body上衣I need a top to match my new skirt.我需要一件上衣配我的新裙子。a bikini / pajama top比基尼上装;睡衣上衣
  1. [countable] a child's toy that turns around quickly, balancing on a point陀螺
at the top of your voice / lungsas loudly as possible声嘶力竭;扯着嗓子off the top of your head (informal) just guessing, or using your memory without preparing or thinking about it first单凭猜测(或记忆);信口;不假思索on top
  1. on or onto the highest point在顶部;在顶端There's a pile of books on the desk. Just put this one on top.书桌上有一摞书,把这本放在上面即可。
  1. in control; in a leading position控制;处于领先地位;居首位Throughout the game, the Bulls were on top.公牛队在整场比赛中一直占上风。
on top of sb / sth
  1. on, over, or covering someone or something else在…上面;在…上方Several demonstrators stood on top of the tank, waving flags and shouting.几个抗议者站在坦克上面,一边挥着旗子一边大声叫喊着。
  1. in addition to someone or something else除了…之外(还有)And then on top of everything else, the car broke down.除了其他种种问题之外,车子还坏了。

🔑toptop2 /tɑp /


(only before a noun只用于名词前) highest in position, rank, or degree(位置、级别或程度)最高的one of the country's top business executives该国最高级别的企业主管之一at top speed全速the top floor of the building建筑物的顶层

toptop3 /tɑp /


[transitive] (top·ping, topped)
  1. to be or form a top for something放置在…上;在…顶上cauliflower topped with cheese sauce奶酪汁浇花椰菜
  1. to be higher or greater than something高于;超出Inflation has topped the 10% mark.通货膨胀已经突破了 10% 的大关。
to top it (all) offas a final piece of bad luck更不幸的是;更糟的是What a rotten vacation! The flight was delayed, the airline lost our baggage and to top it all off, Rob broke his leg skiing.多倒霉的假期!航班晚点,航空公司弄丢了我们的行李,更糟的是,罗布滑雪时摔断了腿。




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