

词汇 subject
🔑subjectsub·ject1 /ˈsʌbdʒɛkt ; ˈsʌbdʒɪkt /


  1. a person or thing that is being considered, shown, or talked about主题;题目;话题;问题the subject of a paper论文题目What are your views on this subject?你对这个问题有什么看法?to change the subject (= start talking about something else) 转变话题I tried several times to bring up the subject of money.我好几次想把钱的事提出来。 SYN topic
  1. an area of knowledge that you study in school, college, etc.学科;科目;课程She's taking four subjects this semester: French, English, psychology, and history.她这学期上四门课 —— 法语、英语、心理学和历史。What's your favorite subject?你最喜欢哪门课?
  1. (art美术) a person or thing that is the main feature of a picture or photograph, or that a work of art is based on(绘画、摄影等的)表现对象,题材Focus the camera on the subject.把相机的焦距调到拍摄对象上。
  1. (English language arts英语语言文学) the person or thing that performs the action described by the verb in a sentence主语In the sentence “The cat sat on the mat, “the cat” is the subject.在 The cat sat on the mat 一句中,the cat 是主语。  look at object1 (4)

subjectsub·ject2 /səbˈdʒɛkt /


subject sb / sth to sthto cause someone or something to experience something bad使经受;使遭受

subjectsub·ject3 /ˈsʌbdʒɛkt ; ˈsʌbdʒɪkt /


subject to sth
  1. controlled or affected by something受…控制;受…影响Restaurants are subject to strict health regulations.餐馆受严格的卫生规定的约束。All times listed are approximate and subject to change.列出的所有时间都是大概的时间,并且可能会有变化。
  1. depending on something as a condition取决于;视…而定Construction will begin in May, subject to approval by the city council.如果市议会批准,建造工程将于五月动工。




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