

词汇 wage
🔑wagewage1 /weɪdʒ /


  1. [singular] the amount of money paid for a certain amount of work, usually one hour(通常以小时计的)工资,工钱What's the average wage in this area?这一地区的平均时薪是多少?➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析incomepay ◇ salary ◇ wage / wages ◇ overtime ◇ earningsThese are all words for money that a person earns or receives for their work.以上词均表示收入、工资、薪水。incomemoney that a person receives for their work, or from investments or business(工作、投资或做生意的)收入,所得people on low incomes低收入的人It's difficult for a family to live on one income.一个家庭只靠一份收入难以维持生活。paymoney that employees earn for doing their jobs工资;薪水It's a tough job but the pay is good.工作很辛苦,但工资高。We all took pay cuts when sales figures fell.销售额下降的时候我们的工资都降低了。A large percentage of my paycheck goes towards health insurance for my family.我工资收入的很大比例都为家人买健康保险了。The job offers good pay and benefits.这份工作的工资和福利很好。ⓘ This word is often used in compounds. * pay 常构成复合词。salarya fixed amount of money that employees earn for doing their jobs工资;薪水How much is your annual salary?你的年薪是多少?She was offered a starting salary of $33,000 per year.给她的起步工资是每年 33,000 美元。ⓘ People who work in offices, or professional people such as teachers or doctors, usually receive a salary that is paid once or twice a month, but is usually expressed as a yearly amount. A person's salary does not change, no matter how many hours per week the person works.办公室工作人员、教师或医生等专业人员通常每个月或每半个月领一次薪水 (salary),但他们的薪酬通常用年薪表述。薪水的金额不因一周工作的小时数而变化。wage / wages(somewhat formal) money that a person receives for doing their job, usually calculated by the hour or by dividing an annual salary into a semi-monthly or monthly figure工资,工钱(通常按小时计算,或按年薪计算出每半个月或每个月可领取的金额)By law, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.按法律规定,最低工资为每小时 7.25 美元。I earned $1,700 in wages last month.我上个月的工资收入是 1,700 美元。ⓘ The term wages is used in accounting to describe the amount of money someone earns before any taxes or other payments are taken away. * wages 一词在会计上指税前或扣除其他费用之前的收入。overtimemoney that a person earns for working more hours than they had originally agreed to work加班费She earned $500 in overtime by working the entire holiday weekend.她整个周末假日都在工作,赚了 500 美元加班费。earningsmoney that a person earns for their work薪水;工资;收入The industry has seen a rise in average earnings over the past two years.在过去的两年中这一行业的平均工资提高了。ⓘ This word is used in business contexts. * earnings 用于商业语境。PATTERNS 句型(a) high / low / basic income / pay / salary / wage / earningsto earn an income / your pay / a salary / a wage / overtimeto earn $… in income / pay / salary / wages / overtimeto live on / support a family on a(n) income / salary / hourly wage of…
  1. wages [plural] the pay that you receive, usually based on the number of hours that you have worked(按工作时间计算的)工钱Any money missing from the cash register will be taken out of your wages.收银台要是丢失了钱,这些钱将从你的工钱中扣除。

wagewage2 /weɪdʒ /


[transitive] wage sth (against / on sb / sth)
to begin and continue something, especially a war开始,发动,进行(尤指战争)to wage war发动战争The police are waging a campaign against illegal drugs.警方在开展一场反毒品的运动。




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