

词汇 strike
🔑strikestrike1 /straɪk /


  1. (business商业) a period of time when people refuse to go to work, usually because they want more money or better working conditions罢工a one-day strike为期一天的罢工to go on strike for better working conditions为争取更好的工作条件而罢工The workers have been on strike for two weeks now.工人现在已罢工两个星期。
  1. a sudden military attack, especially by aircraft军事突袭;(尤指)空袭
  1. (sport体育) (in baseball) an act of trying but failing to hit a ball that was thrown, or a ball that was thrown correctly but not hit(棒球)击球未中,未击中的球➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充There are nine players on a baseball team. The pitcher pitches (= throws) the ball to a batter from the other team.一支棒球队有九名队员。投手 (pitcher) 把球投给对方球队的击球手 (batter)。The batter tries to score runs (= points) by hitting the ball and running around the four bases.击球手要设法击中球并跑完四个垒位 (base) 才能得分 (run)。If the batter tries to hit the ball but misses it, this is called a strike. After three strikes the batter is out and the next batter comes to bat.如果击球手试图击球而未击中,称为“击球不中” (strike)。击球手三次击球不中就出局 (out),换下一个击球手上场。If a batter manages to hit the ball so far that it goes out of the field, this is a home run, and the batter is allowed to touch all four bases.如果击球手击中球,球飞出场外,称为“本垒打” (home run),击球手可以踏触所有四个垒位。
  1. a strike against sb / sth a bad quality or a disadvantage that someone or something has不利因素;劣势These kids already have two strikes against them: they live in a dangerous neighborhood, and their parents aren't home enough.这些孩子已有两个不利因素:一是他们生活在危险的街区,二是他们的父母常不在家。

🔑strikestrike2 /straɪk /


(past tense, past participle struck /strʌk /)
hit someone or something击打;碰撞
  1. [transitive] (formal) to hit someone or something打;撞;碰;撞击The stone struck me on my face.石头打在了我的脸上。to strike someone with your hand动手打某人The boat struck a rock and began to sink.船撞到礁石上,开始下沉。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to attack and harm someone or something suddenly突然攻击;突袭The enemy aircraft struck just after 2 a.m.刚过凌晨 2 点,敌机就发起了突袭。An earthquake struck Northridge in 1994.1994 年,诺斯里奇发生了地震。The building was struck by lightning.这栋大楼遭到雷击。
thought / idea / impression想法;念头;印象
  1. [transitive] strike sb (as sth) to give someone a particular impression, often a strong one给(某人以…)印象;使觉得Does anything here strike you as unusual?这里有什么让你感到异常的吗?
  1. [transitive](used about a thought or an idea) to come suddenly into someone's mind(想法或念头)突然想到,一下子想起It suddenly struck me that she would be the ideal person for the job.我猛然意识到她是这个工作的理想人选。
of clock时钟
  1. [intransitive, transitive](used about a clock) to ring a bell so that people know what time it is(钟)敲,鸣,报时The church clock struck three.教堂的钟敲响了三点。
gold / oil, etc.黄金、石油等
  1. [transitive] to discover gold, oil, etc.开采出;钻探到
  1. [intransitive] (business商业) to go on strike罢工The workers voted to strike for more money.工人投票决定罢工,要求加薪。
strike a balance (between A and B)to find a middle way between two extremes(在两者之间)找到折中办法;平衡(对立的双方)strike a deal (with sb)to make an agreement with someone(与某人)达成协议strike a chord (with sb)to say or do something that makes other people feel sympathy, excitement, etc.引起(某人的)同情;引起(某人的)共鸣 strike backto attack someone or something that has attacked you反击;回击The president threatened to strike back if the rebels attacked the military base.总统威胁说,如果叛乱分子袭击军事基地,就会坚决反击。strike out (informal) to be unsuccessful at something that you are trying to do失败The company struck out with its first attempt to produce a laptop computer, but its latest product looks like a winner.这家公司生产便携式电脑的首次尝试告败,但其最新产品还算成功。strike (sb) out (sport体育) (in baseball) to fail to hit the ball three times, so that you are not allowed to try any longer, or to cause someone to do this(棒球)三振出局,使三振出局strike up sth (with sb)to start a conversation or friendship with someone(和某人)攀谈起来;(和某人)建立友谊




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