

词汇 volunteer
volunteervol·un·teer AW 1 /ˌvɑlənˈtɪr /


  1. a person who offers or agrees to do something without being forced or paid to do it志愿者;自告奋勇者;义务工作者He does a lot of volunteer work at the hospital.他在医院做很多义务工作。volunteer firefighters义务消防员Are there any volunteers who want to write their answers on the board?有谁自愿把答案写在黑板上吗?
  1. a person who joins the armed forces without being forced to志愿兵;义务兵

volunteervol·un·teer AW 2 /ˌvɑlənˈtɪr /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] volunteer (sth) | volunteer (for sth) | volunteer (to do sth) to offer something or to do something which you do not have to do or for which you will not be paid志愿,自愿,义务(做某事)They volunteered their services free of charge.他们主动表示免费提供服务。She volunteered for the school's social committee.她志愿为学校的社交活动委员会工作。One of my friends volunteered to take us all in his car.我的一位朋友主动提出让我们所有的人都搭他的车。
  1. [intransitive] volunteer (for sth) to join the armed forces without being forced to志愿参军;志愿入伍
  1. [transitive] to give information, etc. or make a comment or suggestion without being asked to主动提供(信息等);主动评论(或建议)I volunteered a few helpful suggestions.我主动提出了几条有用的建议。




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