

词汇 straight
🔑straightstraight1 /streɪt /


  1. not bent or curved直的;笔直的a straight line一条直线straight hair (= not curly) 直发straight teeth (= in even rows) 整齐的牙齿Keep your back straight!把背挺直!
  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) in a level or vertical position水平;垂直That picture isn't straight.那幅画不正。
  1. honest and direct坦诚的;直率的Politicians never give straight answers.政治人物从来不给出直截了当的回答。Are you being straight with me?你是在跟我说实话吗?
  1. (informal) = heterosexual
  1. (used between a number and a noun用于数字和名词之间) happening or coming one after another; in a row连续的;不间断的The Sharks celebrated four straight wins on the road last night.鲨鱼队昨晚庆祝客场四连胜。Inflation has fallen for the fifth straight month.通货膨胀已连续五个月下降。
  1. (used about an alcoholic drink) on its own, without ice, water, or any other liquid(酒)纯的,不加冰(或掺水等)的a straight Scotch一杯不加冰的苏格兰威士忌
earn / get straight A'sto receive the grade A (= the highest grade) in all of your classes(成绩)获得全优get sth straightto make sure that you understand something completely把…弄清楚;把…搞明白Let's get this straight. You're sure that you've never seen this man before?我们把这事弄明白,你确定你以前从未见过这个人吗?keep a straight faceto stop yourself from smiling or laughing绷着脸;忍住笑set the record straightto correct a mistake by telling someone the true facts(说明事实以)纠正错误

🔑straightstraight2 /streɪt /


  1. in a straight line成直线;笔直地Go straight for about two miles until you come to some traffic lights.一直往前走大约两英里,到交通信号灯处为止。He was looking straight ahead.他当时正直视着前方。to sit up straight (= with a straight back) 坐直
  1. without any delay; directly直接;径直;立刻I want you to come straight home after school.我要你放学后直接回家。to walk straight past someone or something径直从某人/某物旁边走过
  1. happening or coming one after another, without stopping连续不断地;接连Jody slept for twelve hours straight last night.乔迪昨晚一连睡了十二个小时。
  1. (informal) in an honest and direct way坦率地;直截了当地Tell me straight, Doctor how bad is the cancer?医生,就跟我直说吧,这种癌症有多严重?




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