

词汇 think
🔑thinkthink /θɪŋk /


(past tense, past participle thought /θɔt /)
use mind动脑筋
  1. [intransitive] think (about sth) to use your mind to consider something or to form connected ideas想;思考;思索Think before you speak.说话之前要先想想。What are you thinking about?你在想什么?He had to think hard (= a lot) about the question.他得认真考虑一下这个问题。
have opinion / belief有看法
  1. [transitive] to consider or believe; to have as an opinion认为;觉得“Do you think it's going to snow? “No, I don't think so.“你认为会下雪吗?”“不,我认为不会。”“Sue's coming tomorrow, isn't she? “Yes, I think so.“休明天来,是不是?”“对,我想是这样。”I think that they moved to New York, but I'm not sure.我想他们已经搬到了纽约,不过我不太肯定。What did you think of the movie?你觉得这部电影怎么样?I don't think they are very good musicians.我不认为他们是非常优秀的音乐家。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to form an idea of something; to imagine something想象;猜想We couldn't think where you'd gone.我们猜不出你去了哪里。 Just think we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow.想想看,明天这个时候我们就躺在海滩上了。If I'm late home, my mother always thinks the worst.如果我回家晚了,我母亲总是往最坏处想。
  1. [intransitive] think of / about doing sth to intend or plan to do something考虑;打算;计划We're thinking of buying a new house.我们正考虑买一套新房子。
consider someone's feelings顾及某人的感受
  1. [intransitive] think about / of sb to consider the feelings of someone else顾及;考虑She never thinks about anyone but herself.她从来不考虑别人,只顾自己。
  1. [transitive] to expect something期待;期望The job took longer than we thought.这项工作用的时间比我们预想的长。
think better of (doing) sthto decide not to do something; to change your mind决定不做;改变主意think highly, a lot, not much, etc. of sb / sthto have a good, bad, etc. opinion of someone or something对…高度评价(或评价不高等)think the world of sbto love and admire someone very much非常喜爱;非常敬佩think twice (about sth / before doing sth)to consider a plan very carefully, because it may not be a good idea三思而后行;慎重考虑 think of sthto create an idea in your imagination构思出;设想;想出Who first thought of the plan?谁先想出这个计划的?think sth overto consider something carefully慎重考虑I'll think over your offer and let you know tomorrow.我会慎重考虑你的提议,明天给你答复。think sth throughto consider carefully all the details of a plan, idea, etc充分考虑;全盘考虑Let's think this thing through it's a big decision.咱们要全盘考虑这件事情,这是个重大决定。think sth upto create something in your mind; to invent想出;发明to think up a new advertising slogan想出一个新的广告口号




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