

词汇 step
🔑stepstep1 /stɛp /


[intransitive] (step·ping, stepped)
to lift one foot and put it down in a different place when you are walking迈步;踩;踏Be careful! Don't step in the mud.小心!别踩上泥。to step forward / back向前迈步;向后退步Ouch! You stepped on my foot!哎哟!你踩到我的脚了! step downto give up a position of authority卸任;辞职Anne is stepping down as chairperson at the end of the year.安妮年底将从主席的职位上退下来。step into become involved in a difficult situation, usually in order to help干预;介入step outto leave a place for a short period of time暂时离开Sorry, Mrs. Brown just stepped out. Can I take a message?对不起,布朗女士刚刚出去。要我给传个话吗?step sth upto increase something增加;提高The army has decided to step up its recruiting efforts.军队已决定加大征兵力度。

🔑stepstep2 /stɛp /


  1. the act of lifting one foot and putting it down in a different place迈步;踩;踏Nick took two steps forward and then stopped.尼克朝前走了两步,然后停了下来。I heard steps outside the window.我听到了窗外的脚步声。
  1. one action in a series of actions that you take in order to achieve something步骤;措施the first step toward peace向和平迈出的第一步
  1. one of the surfaces on which you put your foot when you are going up or down stairs, etc.台阶;梯级the top / bottom step of a ladder梯子的最上一级/最下一级a flight (= a set) of steps一段楼梯
  1. (music音乐) the difference in pitch (= how high or low a sound is) between one note in a musical scale and the next音级;度
in step (with sb / sth)out of step (with sb / sth)moving / not moving your feet at the same time as other people when you are marching, dancing, etc.(和…)步伐一致(或不一致),合拍(或不合拍) (figurative) politicians who are totally out of step with young people today与现在的年轻人格格不入的从政者take steps to do sthto take action in order to achieve something采取措施to take steps to reduce unemployment采取措施减少失业watch your step
  1. to be careful about where you are walking注意脚底下;走路当心
  1. to be careful about how you behave注意自己的行为




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