

词汇 start (sth) (up)
[intransitive, transitive] start (sth) (up) (used about a machine, etc.) to begin to work; to make a machine, a car, etc. begin to work(机器等)开动,发动;启动(机器、汽车等)The car won't start.这辆车就是发动不起来。We heard an engine starting up in the street.我们听到大街上有引擎发动的声音。Start up the computer and enter your password.启动计算机,输入密码。He got onto his motorcycle, started the engine and rode away.他骑上摩托车,发动引擎,然后开走了。

[intransitive, transitive] start (sth) (up) to create a company, an organization, etc.; to begin to exist创建;开创;成立They've decided to start their own business.他们决定创业。There are a lot of new companies starting up in that area now.那一地区现在涌现出了很多新公司。




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