

词汇 therefore
🔑thereforethere·fore /ˈðɛrfɔr /


for this / that reason所以;因此The new cars have more efficient engines, and therefore consume less gas.新车发动机功率更大,因而比较省油。
➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库thereforeways of saying “for this reason…”表示“因此”的不同说法Children who eat a lot of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. It is essential, therefore, that parents encourage healthy eating from an early age.吃很多垃圾食品的孩子日后会觉得很难改变这种习惯,因此,父母要给孩子从小倡导健康饮食,这非常重要。Children who eat a lot of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. This is why children must be taught about healthy eating from an early age.吃很多垃圾食品的孩子日后会觉得很难改变这种习惯,因此,孩子们必须从小受到健康饮食的教育。Children who eat a lot of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this reason / Consequently, it is essential that children be taught about healthy eating from an early age.吃很多垃圾食品的孩子日后会觉得很难改变这种习惯,因此,孩子们必须从小受到健康饮食的教育,这非常重要。Eating habits formed in childhood tend to continue into adult life. Thus, the best way to prevent heart disease in adults is to encourage healthy eating from an early age.孩提时代养成的饮食习惯往往会延续到成年之后,因此,防止成年人罹患心脏病最好的办法就是从小提倡有益健康的饮食。




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