

词汇 then
🔑thenthen /ðɛn /


  1. (at) that time当时;那时In 1996? I was in college then.1996 年吗?那时我在上大学。I'll be on vacation then.到那时我就会去度假了。I haven't seen him since then.自那时起我就没见过他。I'm going tomorrow. Can you wait until then?我明天走,你能等到那个时候吗?
  1. next; after that然后;后来;接着We're going hiking in the mountains for a week and then to the beach.我们要先到山里远足一周,然后再去海滩。There was silence for a minute. Then he replied.沉默片刻之后他才回答。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库processdescribing a process描述过程This diagram illustrates the process of photosynthesis/shows how photosynthesis works.这个图显示了光合作用的过程。First / First of all, the leaf collects CO₂ from the air and water from the plant's roots.首先,叶子从空气中吸入二氧化碳,从植物的根部吸收水分。Then / Next / Second, energy from sunlight is trapped inside the leaf by a chemical called chlorophyll.然后,阳光里的能量被一种称为“叶绿素”的化学物质吸收进叶子里。Finally / At last, oxygen is released back into the atmosphere through tiny holes in the surface of the leaf.最后,氧气经由叶子表面上细小的气孔释放到空气当中。
  1. in that case; therefore既然如此;那么“I don't feel very well. “Then why don't you go to the doctor?“我觉得不太舒服。”“那你为什么不去看医生?”
  1. used for emphasis after words like now, okay, well, etc.(用于 now、okay、well 等词后表示强调)Now then, are we all ready to go?好啦,我们都准备好要走了吗?Well then, I'll see you tomorrow.那好吧,明天见。
but then (again)then againused for introducing a new and different piece of information(引出新的和不同的信息)不过,可是话又说回来The weather forecast says it'll rain, but then again it's often wrong.天气预报说要下雨,不过常常报错。(right) then and thereimmediately; at that time and place立即;当时当地They agreed to buy the house right then and there, without even looking upstairs.他们当即同意买下那所房子,甚至都没有上楼看一看。




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