

词汇 use
🔑useuse1 /yuz /


[transitive] (present participle us·ing, past tense, past participle used /yuzd /)
  1. when you use something, you do something with it for a purpose用;使用;利用;运用Could I use your phone?我可以用一下你的电话吗?We used the money to buy a house.我们用那笔钱买了一处房子。The building was used as a shelter for homeless people.这栋楼曾用作无家可归者的收容所。This information cannot be used for commercial purposes.这一信息不能用于商业目的。Use your imagination!发挥你的想象力!That's a word I never use.那是个我从来不用的字眼。
  1. to need or to take something需要;消耗Don't use all the milk.别把牛奶全给用了。
  1. to be kind, friendly, etc. to someone in order to get an advantage for yourself(为谋私利)利用(某人)He just used me to get what he wanted and then forgot about me.他只是利用我得到他想要的,然后就把我忘了。
use sth upto use something until no more is left用光;用完;用尽

🔑useuse2 /yus /


  1. [uncountable] using or being used用;使用;利用The use of cell phones is now widespread.手机现在已经广泛使用。She kept the money for use in an emergency.她把钱留着以应急。Turn off the coffee maker when it is not in use.咖啡机不用时要关掉电源。
  1. [countable, uncountable] the purpose for which something is used用途;功能This gadget has many uses.这个小器具有很多用途。
  1. [uncountable] the ability or permission to use something功能;能力;使用权He lost the use of his hand after the accident.事故之后,他的手就残废了。She offered them the use of her car.她主动让他们用她的车。
  1. [uncountable] the advantage of something; how useful something is益处;用处;帮助It's no use studying for a test at the last minute.考试前临时抱佛脚是没有用的。What's the use of trying?努力尝试又有什么用?
come into / go out of useto start / stop being used开始应用;停止使用make use of sth / sbto use something or someone in a way that will give you an advantage(为谋私利)使用,利用




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