

词汇 the house of representatives
the house of representativesthe ˌHouse of ˌRepreˈsentatives / /


(politics政治) one of the two groups of people who are elected to make new laws for the U.S. or for an individual state(美国)众议院  look at senate➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充The U.S. Government美国的政体The government in the U.S. is divided into three parts: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.美国联邦政府由三部分组成:立法分支 (legislative branch)、行政分支 (executive branch) 和司法分支 (judicial branch)。The legislative branch is responsible for making laws. This is the U.S. Congress, which is made up of two groups of people: the Senate and the House of Representatives.立法分支负责制定法律。在美国,立法分支为国会 (Congress),它由两院组成,即参议院 (Senate) 和众议院 (House of Representatives)。The executive branch is led by the president and includes the vice president and the rest of the Cabinet (= other important politicians).行政分支由总统 (president) 领导,包括副总统 (vice president) 和内阁 (the Cabinet) 的其他官员。The judicial branch includes the Supreme Court, which is the most important court in the country.司法分支包括最高法院 (Supreme Court),最高法院是美国最重要的法院。




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