

词汇 cool
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fairly cold凉的
  1. fairly cold; not hot or warm凉的;凉爽的;凉快的It was a cool evening, so I put on a sweater.晚上有点凉,所以我穿了一件套头毛衣。This product should be stored in a cool place.这种产品应该保存在阴凉处。What I'd like is a nice cool drink.我就想来一杯清凉的饮料。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析coldcool ◇ freezing ◇ chilly ◇ lukewarm ◇ tepidThese words all describe a person or thing that has a low temperature.以上词均表示温度低。coldhaving a temperature that is lower than usual or lower than the human body; (used about food or drink) not heated; cooled after being cooked寒冷的;冷的;(食物或饮料)未加热的,冷却的I'm cold. Turn the heat up.我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。It was bitterly cold outside.外面非常寒冷。Would you like a cold drink?你要一杯冷饮吗?hot and cold water热水和冷水I often have cold pizza for breakfast.我早餐常吃冷比萨饼。cool(often approving) fairly cold, especially in a pleasant way凉爽的;凉快的;清凉舒适的a long, cool drink一大杯清凉饮料Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.我们坐在背阴处凉爽一点。It's hot outside but it's nice and cool in here.外面很热,但是这里却很凉爽。a cool breeze (= a light wind) 习习凉风freezing(informal) (used about the temperature or people) extremely cold; having a temperature below 32° F极冷的;冰点以下的It's absolutely freezing outside.外面冷得要死。freezing temperatures结冰温度I'm freezing! Close the window!我要冻僵了!关上窗户!freezing cold weather极为寒冷的天气chilly(used especially about the weather) too cold to be comfortable(尤指天气)寒冷的,阴冷的Bring a jacket. It might get chilly later.带上外套,过一会儿天气可能会变冷。a chilly morning in November十一月寒冷的早晨She was beginning to feel chilly.她开始觉得冷。lukewarm(often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way微温的;不冷不热的;温暾的Her coffee was now lukewarm.她的咖啡变得温暾了。tepid(often disapproving) slightly warm, sometimes in an unpleasant way微温的;不冷不热的;温暾的a glass of tepid water一杯温暾水PATTERNS 句型to feel / get cold / cool / chillycold / cool / freezing / chilly air / weathera cold / cool / freezing / chilly windcold / cool / freezing / lukewarm / tepid watera cold / cool / lukewarm / tepid shower / bathcold / lukewarm / tepid tea / coffee / fooda cold / cool drinkIt's cold / chilly / freezing outside.
  1. (informal) used to show that you admire or approve of something or someone, because he / she / it is fashionable and attractive酷;棒的What a cool car!好酷的车!I like your clothes they're cool!我很喜欢你的衣服,真漂亮! OPP uncool
  1. (informal) used to say that something is acceptable and not a problem for you(表示某事可以接受或不成问题)“Can you come at 10:30 tomorrow? “That's cool.“你明天 10:30 能来吗?”“没问题。”I was surprised she got promoted, but I'm cool with it.她得到了提拔我很惊讶,不过我无所谓。
  1. calm; not excited or affected by strong emotions冷静的;镇定的;沉着的She always manages to remain cool under pressure.她面临压力时总能保持沉着冷静。
not friendly / enthusiastic不友好;不热情
  1. not friendly, interested, or enthusiastic不友好的;冷淡的;冷漠的When we first met, she was fairly cool toward me, but later she became friendlier.我们第一次见面时她对我很冷淡,但后来就比较友好了。
  1. (informal) calm and confident in a way that lacks respect for other people, but makes people admire you as well as disapprove孤傲冷漠的;我行我素的He was a cool customer. No one would think he'd committed such a terrible crime.他这么一个孤傲的家伙,没人想到他居然会犯下如此严重的罪行。



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  1. [intransitive, transitive] cool (sth / sb) (down / off) to lower the temperature of something or someone; to become cool(使)降温;(使)冷却;(使)变凉Let the soup cool (down).让汤凉一凉。After the game we needed to cool off.比赛过后,我们需要凉快凉快。A nice cold drink will cool you right down.喝一杯清凉舒爽的冷饮会让你立刻凉快下来。
  1. [intransitive](used about feelings) to become less strong(感情)冷静下来,冷淡下来It took a long time for tensions to cool after the riot.紧张局势在骚乱过后很长时间才得到缓解。
Cool it! (informal) be calm沉住气;冷静下来Cool it, you guys! There's no reason to fight about this.你们冷静点!没必要为这个干架。 cool (sb) down / offto become or make someone calmer(使)冷静下来

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keep / lose your coolto remain calm / to stop being calm and become angry, nervous, etc.保持(或失去)冷静;保持(或失去)镇定




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