

词汇 squeeze
🔑squeezesqueeze1 /skwiz /


  1. [transitive] squeeze sth (out) | squeeze sth (from / out of sth) to press something hard for a particular purpose挤压;捏She squeezed his hand and wished him luck.她握紧他的手,祝他好运。to squeeze a tube of toothpaste挤牙膏to squeeze an orange / a lemon (= to get the juice) 榨橙子/柠檬to squeeze juice from an orange榨橙汁
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to go or move someone or something into, through, etc. a place where there is not much space(使)挤入,挤过Excuse me. Can I squeeze past?对不起,能让我挤过去吗?We can squeeze another person into the back of the car.我们可以在车后座再挤进一个人。 [transitive] (figurative) Do you think you can squeeze in another appointment this afternoon?你觉得今天下午还能挤出时间再安排个约见吗? SYN squash

🔑squeezesqueeze2 /skwiz /


  1. [countable] an act of squeezing someone or something, for example as a sign of love or affection挤压,捏(如表示喜爱或关注)Doug gave my shoulder a squeeze.道格用力按了按我的肩膀。
  1. [singular] a situation where there is not much space拥挤It was a tight squeeze to get everyone in the car.所有人都上车就太拥挤了。
  1. [countable] the amount of liquid that you get from squeezing an orange, a lemon, etc.榨出的汁;挤出的汁a squeeze of lemon榨出来的柠檬汁
  1. [countable, usually singular] a difficult situation in which there is not enough money, time, etc.(时间等的)紧迫,节省;拮据A budget squeeze forced the administration to reduce spending.预算的削减迫使行政部门减少开支。




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