

词汇 would
🔑wouldwould /wəd ; əd ; d ; strong form强读式 wʊd /

modal verb

(short form 'd, negative would not, short form would·n't /ˈwʊdnt /)
  1. used when talking about the result of an event that you imagine(表示想象的结果)会He would be delighted if you went to see him.如果你去看他,他会很高兴的。She'd be stupid not to accept.她要是不接受就太傻了。I would have done more if I'd had the time.我要是有时间,会做得多一些。
  1. used as the past form of “will” when you report what someone says or thinks(间接引语中用作 will 的过去式)They said that they would help us.他们说会帮助我们。She didn't think he would do a thing like that.她认为他不会做那种事。
  1. used for asking someone politely to do something(表示礼貌地请求)Would you come this way, please?请您这边走好吗?
  1. used with “like” or “love” as a way of asking or saying what someone wants(与 like 或 love 连用,表示询问或表达意愿)Would you like to come with us?你想和我们一起去吗?I'd love a piece of cake.我想吃块蛋糕。
  1. to be willing to do something愿意,肯(做某事)She just wouldn't do what I asked her.她就是不肯做我叫她做的事。
  1. used after “wish”(用于 wish 后)I wish the sun would come out.但愿会出太阳。
  1. used for talking about things that often happened in the past(表示过去经常发生的事情)When he was young, he would often walk in these woods.他年轻的时候经常在这片树林里散步。
  1. used for commenting on behavior that is typical(用于评论惯常的行为)You would say that. You always support him.你总是这么说,你一贯支持他。
  1. used when you are giving your opinion(用于提出看法)I'd say she's about 40.依我看,她 40 岁左右。




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