

词汇 unlike
🔑unlikeun·like /ʌnˈlaɪk /


  1. in contrast to; being different from与…不同;不像Unlike all the others, I wasn't very interested in the idea.和所有其他人不同,我对这个主意不太感兴趣。He's extremely ambitious, unlike me.他野心极大,跟我不一样。She's unlike anyone else I've ever met.她和我遇到的所有其他人都不一样。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库Comparison and Contrasthighlighting differences突出不同之处One of the main differences between the girls and the boys who took part in the research was the way they use the Internet.参与这项调查的女孩和男孩之间的一个重大区别就是他们使用互联网的方式不同。Unlike the girls, who use the Internet mainly to keep in touch with friends, the boys questioned in this survey tend to use the Internet for playing games.女孩子使用互联网主要为和朋友保持联系。和她们不同,这次调查中被问到的男孩子往往用互联网玩网络游戏。Compared with the boys, the girls spend much more time chatting with friends on the telephone.和男孩子比起来,女孩子花在和朋友打电话聊天的时间要多得多。On average, the girls reported spending four hours a week chatting with friends on the phone. In contrast / On the other hand, very few of the boys reported spending more than five minutes a day talking to their friends in this way.女孩子平均每周花四个小时和朋友打电话聊天。相比之下,极少有男孩子平均每天给朋友打电话聊天超过五分钟。The boys expressed a preference for competitive sports and computer games, whereas / while the girls enjoyed more cooperative activities, such as shopping with friends.男孩子更喜欢竞技性的体育活动和网络游戏,女孩子则更热衷于合作性的活动,如和朋友一起逛商店。
  1. not typical of; unusual for不是…的一贯表现;对…而言不寻常It's unlike him to be late he's usually right on time.迟到可不是他的风格,他通常很准时。
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